Tatiane Carla Silva
Tatiane Carla Silva
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Dificultades de la educación remota en las escuelas rurales del norte de Minas Gerais durante la pandemia de Covid-19 Difficulties of remote education in rural schools in …
TC Silva, ER Silva, R Montanari
Research, Society and Development 9 (8), e651986053, 2020
A broad diversity survey of Rhizoctonia species from the Brazilian Amazon reveals the prevalence of R. solani AG‐1 IA on signal grass and the new record of AG‐1 …
E Chavarro‐Mesa, P Ceresini, D Pereira, S Vicentini, T Silva, ...
Plant Pathology 69 (3), 455-466, 2020
Aplicação do fósforo e da irrigação na absorção e exportação de nutrientes pelo algodoeiro
LA Aquino, RFBA Aquino, TC Silva, DF Santos, PG Berger
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 16, 355-361, 2012
Evaluation of the use of wound-protectant fungicides and biological control agents against stem canker (Neofusicoccum parvum) of blueberry= Evaluación de fungicidas y agentes …
B Latorre, R Torres Dinamarca, T Silva, K Elfar Aedo
Monitoring of Brazilian wheat blast field populations reveals resistance to QoI, DMI, and SDHI fungicides
SNC Vicentini, PS Casado, G De Carvalho, SI Moreira, AF Dorigan, ...
Plant Pathology 71 (2), 304-321, 2022
Evidence of Resistance to QoI Fungicides in Contemporary Populations of Mycosphaerella fijiensis, M. musicola and M. thailandica from Banana Plantations in …
TYK Oliveira, TC Silva, SI Moreira, FS Christiano Jr, MCG Gasparoto, ...
Agronomy 12 (12), 2952, 2022
Evapotranspiração de referência em Januária-MG pelos métodos tanque classe “A” e Hargreaves-Samani
ER Oliveira, TC Silva, RF de Oliveira Ramos
Colloquium Agrariae. ISSN: 1809-8215 16 (1), 48-54, 2020
Limite máximo da lei de responsabilidade fiscal com despesas de pessoal: estudo de caso dos estados brasileiros
AJB Costa, TC Silva, AA Silva, RP Pinori, MAB Borges, DSD Santos
Revista Eletrônica Gestão e Serviços 10 (1), 2556-12581, 2019
Efflux Pumps and Multidrug-Resistance in Pyricularia oryzae Triticum Lineage
SNC Vicentini, SI Moreira, AG da Silva, TYK de Oliveira, TC Silva, ...
Agronomy 12 (9), 2068, 2022
Difficulties of remote education in rural schools in northern Minas Gerais during the Covid-19 pandemic
TC Silva, ER Oliveira, R Montanari
Research, Society and Development 9 (8), e651986053-e651986053, 2020
Strategies for managing fungicide resistance in the Brazilian tropical agroecosystem: Safeguarding food safety, health, and the environmental quality
PC Ceresini, TC Silva, SNC Vicentini, RPL Júnior, SI Moreira, ...
Tropical Plant Pathology 49 (1), 36-70, 2024
Bioprospecting Fluorescent Pseudomonas from the Brazilian Amazon for the Biocontrol of Signal Grass Foliar Blight
SNC Vicentini, G de Carvalho, LD Krug, TC Nunes, AG da Silva, ...
Agronomy 12 (6), 1395, 2022
Produção de mudas de maracujazeiro amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa) em resposta a calagem, NPK e micronutrientes
JP Quaresma, DD Pacheco, TC Silva, CH Batista
Research, Society and Development 9 (8), e817986372-e817986372, 2020
Physical-chemical characteristics of ash flows in a biomass thermal power plant
ER Teixeira, LAC Tarelho, T Silva, DFR Silva, RC Modolo
21st Eur. Biomass Conf. Exhib., Copenhagen, 2013
Dry Rot Caused by the Complex Colletotrichum falcatum and Thielaviopsis paradoxa Emerges as a Key Stalk Disorder in Newly Expanded Sugarcane Plantations …
TC Silva, SI Moreira, LM Felizardo, RM Martins, AN Suzuki, GA Faria, ...
Agronomy 13 (11), 2729, 2023
Potential of Pseudomonas and Trichoderma from the Brazilian Amazon as Biocontrol Agents against the Wheat Blast Disease
MRA Pereira, SI Moreira, AG Silva, TC Nunes, SNC Vicentini, DP Silva, ...
Agronomy 12 (9), 2003, 2022
Variabilidade espacial da biomassa e atividade microbiana do solo sob sistema de integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta
PT Souza, TC Silva, MJB Troleis, KN Sena, ACR Silva, TEB Santos, ...
Ciência Florestal 31 (4), 1949-1967, 2021
Resistance to Site-Specific Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitor Fungicides Is Pervasive in Populations of Black and Yellow Sigatoka Pathogens in Banana Plantations from …
TC Silva, SI Moreira, DM de Souza, FS Christiano Jr, MCG Gasparoto, ...
Agronomy 14 (4), 666, 2024
Addition of amendments to restore a compacted soil under no-tillage system
RS Barbieri, EA Gabioud, MG Wilson, MC Sasal, M Seehaus, ...
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy 45, e57540, 2023
Crescimento e Produção de Bananeira ‘Nanica’Irrigada com Água Calcária no Norte de Minas Gerais
SF Alcântara, DD Pacheco, TC Silva, HRF Silva, IM dos Passos
Ensaios e Ciência C Biológicas Agrárias e da Saúde 25 (3), 337-345, 2021
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Articles 1–20