Jose Ignacio Pueyo Marques
Jose Ignacio Pueyo Marques
Research Fellow. Brighton and Sussex Medical School. University of Sussex
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Cited by
Peptides encoded by short ORFs control development and define a new eukaryotic gene family
MI Galindo, JI Pueyo, S Fouix, SA Bishop, JP Couso
PLoS biology 5 (5), e106, 2007
Conserved regulation of cardiac calcium uptake by peptides encoded in small open reading frames
EG Magny, JI Pueyo, FMG Pearl, MA Cespedes, JE Niven, SA Bishop, ...
Science 341 (6150), 1116-1120, 2013
Themuscleblindgene participates in the organization of z-bands and epidermal attachments ofdrosophilamuscles and is regulated bydmef2
R Artero, A Prokop, N Paricio, G Begemann, I Pueyo, M Mlodzik, ...
Developmental biology 195 (2), 131-143, 1998
Ancestral Notch-mediated segmentation revealed in the cockroach Periplaneta americana
JI Pueyo, R Lanfear, JP Couso
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (43), 16614-16619, 2008
New peptides under the s (ORF) ace of the genome
JI Pueyo, EG Magny, JP Couso
Trends in biochemical sciences 41 (8), 665-678, 2016
The 11-aminoacid long Tarsal-less peptides trigger a cell signal in Drosophila leg development
JI Pueyo, JP Couso
Developmental biology 324 (2), 192-201, 2008
Hemotin, a regulator of phagocytosis encoded by a small ORF and conserved across metazoans
JI Pueyo, EG Magny, CJ Sampson, U Amin, IR Evans, SA Bishop, ...
PLoS biology 14 (3), e1002395, 2016
Interplay between a Wnt-dependent organiser and the Notch segmentation clock regulates posterior development in Periplaneta americana
JE Chesebro, JI Pueyo, JP Couso
Biology Open 2 (2), 227-237, 2012
Tarsal-less peptides control Notch signalling through the Shavenbaby transcription factor
JI Pueyo, JP Couso
Developmental biology 355 (2), 183-193, 2011
Parallels between the proximal–distal development of vertebrate and arthropod appendages: homology without an ancestor?
JI Pueyo, JP Couso
Current opinion in genetics & development 15 (4), 439-446, 2005
Translation and natural selection of micropeptides from long non-canonical RNAs
P Patraquim, EG Magny, JI Pueyo, AI Platero, JP Couso
Nature communications 13 (1), 6515, 2022
Functions of long non-coding RNAs in human disease and their conservation in Drosophila development
OM Rogoyski, JI Pueyo, JP Couso, SF Newbury
Biochemical Society Transactions 45 (4), 895-904, 2017
Gene regulatory network architecture in different developmental contexts influences the genetic basis of morphological evolution
S Kittelmann, AD Buffry, FA Franke, I Almudi, M Yoth, G Sabaris, ...
PLoS genetics 14 (5), e1007375, 2018
Proximal-distal leg development in Drosophila requires the apterous gene and the Lim1 homologue dlim1
JI Pueyo, MI Galindo, SA Bishop, JP Couso
Development 127 (24), 5391-5402, 2000
Developmental regulation of canonical and small ORF translation from mRNAs
P Patraquim, MAS Mumtaz, JI Pueyo, JL Aspden, JP Couso
Genome biology 21, 1-26, 2020
Chip-mediated partnerships of the homeodomain proteins Bar and Aristaless with the LIM-HOM proteins Apterous and Lim1 regulate distal leg development
JI Pueyo, JP Couso
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 131 (13), 3107 …, 2004
Comparative analysis of leg and antenna development in wild-type and homeotic Drosophila melanogaster
M Cummins, JI Pueyo, SA Greig, JP Couso
Development genes and evolution 213, 319-327, 2003
Pegasus, a small extracellular peptide enhancing short-range diffusion of Wingless
EG Magny, AI Platero, SA Bishop, JI Pueyo, D Aguilar-Hidalgo, JP Couso
Nature Communications 12 (1), 5660, 2021
Selective neutralisation and deterring of cockroaches with laser automated by machine vision
I Rakhmatulin, M Lihoreau, J Pueyo
Oriental Insects 57 (2), 728-745, 2023
Purriato is a conserved small open reading frame gene that interacts with the CASA pathway to regulate muscle homeostasis and epithelial tissue growth in Drosophila
JI Pueyo, J Salazar, C Grincho, J Berni, BP Towler, SF Newbury
Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 11, 1117454, 2023
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Articles 1–20