Prof. Dr. G.M. Behery
Prof. Dr. G.M. Behery
Dean of Faculty of Computers and Information, Damietta University
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Cited by
Cited by
Extractive Arabic text summarization using modified PageRank algorithm
R Elbarougy, G Behery, A El Khatib
Egyptian informatics journal 21 (2), 73-81, 2020
Measuring the refractive index of crude oil using a capillary tube interferometer
H El Ghandoor, E Hegazi, I Nasser, GM Behery
Optics & Laser Technology 35 (5), 361-367, 2003
A dataset for speech recognition to support Arabic phoneme pronunciation
MNM Arafa, R Elbarougy, AA Ewees, GM Behery
International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing 10 (4), 31, 2018
Face recognition based on relative gradient magnitude strength
MN ElBedwehy, GM Behery, R Elbarougy
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 45 (12), 9925-9937, 2020
An automatic deep neural network model for fingerprint classification
AT Mahmoud, WA Awad, G Behery, M Abouhawwash, M Masud, ...
Intell. Autom. Soft Comput 36, 2007-2023, 2023
Qualitative image compression algorithm relying on quadtree
AA El-Harby, GM Behery
Mansoura University, Faculty of Science, Math. Dept., ICGST-GVIP 8 (3), 2-3, 2008
Graph-Based Extractive Arabic Text Summarization Using Multiple Morphological Analyzers.
R Elbarougy, G Behery, AEL KHATIB
Journal of Information Science & Engineering 36 (2), 2020
Automatic neural network system for vorticity of square cylinders with different corner radii
Y El-Bakry, AA El-Harby, GM Behery
Journal of applied mathematics & informatics 26 (5_6), 911-923, 2008
A proposed natural language processing preprocessing procedures for enhancing arabic text summarization
R Elbarougy, G Behery, A El Khatib
Recent Advances in NLP: The Case of Arabic Language, 39-57, 2019
Anfis and neural networks systems for multiplicity distributions in proton-proton interactions
GM Behery, AA El-Harby, MY El-Bakry
Applied Artificial Intelligence 27 (4), 304-322, 2013
Novel Color Image Compression Algorithm Based on Quad tree
AA El-Harby, GM Behery
differences 23, 24, 2012
COVID-19 detection on chest x-ray images by combining histogram-oriented gradient and convolutional neural network features
R Elbarougy, E Aboghrara, GM Behery, YM Younes, NM El-Badry
Inf. Sci. Lett 12 (5), 2247-2260, 2023
Handling Big Data in Relational Database Management Systems.
K ElDahshan, E Selim, AI Ebada, M Abouhawwash, Y Nam, G Behery
Computers, Materials & Continua 72 (3), 2022
Simulation of fractal dimension evaluations
GM Behery
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 26 (2), 91-97, 2006
Faces Detection using Skin Color, Region-Props, Bounding-Box and Neural Networks System
GM Behery
American Journal of Applied Sciences, published in 17/5/2016, 2016
Reorganizing Neural Network System for Two Spirals and Linear Low‐Density Polyethylene Copolymer Problems
GM Behery, AA El-Harby, MY El-Bakry
Applied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing 2009 (1), 721370, 2009
A New Generative Mathematical Model for Coverless Steganography System Based on Image Generation.
AH Seddik, M Salah, G Behery, A El-harby, AI Ebada, S Teng, Y Nam, ...
Computers, Materials & Continua 74 (3), 2023
Intelligent Libyan Banknote Recognition System
GM Behery, HH El-Hadidi, A El-Harby, TM Abd Usamad
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 8 (2), 1668-1680, 2021
Emotional speech recognition based on weighted distance optimization system
MN ElBedwehy, GM Behery, R Elbarougy
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 34 …, 2020
Performance Evaluation of Neural Network and Deep Neural Network for Human Activity Recognition
D Khairy, G Behery, AA Ewees, E AbdElrazek
International Journal of Computer Applications 975, 8887, 0
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Articles 1–20