Esteban L. Abeyta
Cited by
Cited by
Deciphering eukaryotic gene-regulatory logic with 100 million random promoters
CG de Boer, ED Vaishnav, R Sadeh, EL Abeyta, N Friedman, A Regev
Nature biotechnology 38 (1), 56-65, 2020
Candida albicans Pma1p Contributes to Growth, pH Homeostasis, and Hyphal Formation
HS Rane, SR Hayek, JE Frye, EL Abeyta, SM Bernardo, KJ Parra, SA Lee
Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 1012, 2019
Surveillance for emerging diseases with multiplexed point-of-care diagnostics
A Deshpande, B McMahon, AR Daughton, EL Abeyta, D Hodge, ...
Health security 14 (3), 111-121, 2016
The Biosurveillance Analytics Resource Directory (BARD): facilitating the use of epidemiological models for infectious disease surveillance
KJ Margevicius, N Generous, E Abeyta, B Althouse, H Burkom, L Castro, ...
PLoS One 11 (1), e0146600, 2016
Candida albicans Pma1p contributes to growth, pH homeostasis, and hyphal formation. Front Microbiol 10: 1012
HS Rane, SR Hayek, JE Frye, EL Abeyta, SM Bernardo, KJ Parra, SA Lee
Deciphering eukaryotic cis-regulatory logic with 100 million random promoters
CG de Boer, ED Vaishnav, R Sadeh, EL Abeyta, N Friedman, A Regev
BioRxiv, 224907, 2017
Analytics for investigation of disease outbreaks: web-based analytics facilitating situational awareness in unfolding disease outbreaks
N Velappan, AR Daughton, G Fairchild, WE Rosenberger, N Generous, ...
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 5 (1), e12032, 2019
An extensible framework and database of infectious disease for biosurveillance
AR Daughton, R Priedhorsky, G Fairchild, N Generous, A Hengartner, ...
BMC Infectious Diseases 17, 1-8, 2017
Novel use of flu surveillance data: evaluating potential of sentinel populations for early detection of influenza outbreaks
AR Daughton, N Velappan, E Abeyta, R Priedhorsky, A Deshpande
PloS one 11 (7), e0158330, 2016
Deciphering eukaryotic gene-regulatory logic with 100 million random promoters (vol 38, pg 56, 2020)
CG de Boer, ED Vaishnav, R Sadeh, EL Abeyta, N Friedman, A Regev
NATURE BIOTECHNOLOGY 38 (10), 1211-1211, 2020
A globally-applicable disease ontology for biosurveillance; Anthology of Biosurveillance Diseases (ABD)
AR Daughton, R Priedhorsky, G Fairchild, N Generous, A Hengartner, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.05774, 2016
Surveillance for emerging diseases with multiplexed point-of-care diagnostics.
AD Alina Deshpande, B McMahon, AR Daughton, EL Abeyta, D Hodge, ...
Situational Awareness for Unfolding Gastrointestinal Outbreaks Using Historical Data
N Velappan, A Daughton, E Abeyta, G Fairchild, W Rosenberger, ...
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 8 (1), e61886, 2016
Military and Civilian Disease Outbreaks: A Comparative Analysis
A Daughton, N Velappan, E Abeyta, A Deshpande
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics 8 (1), e61819, 2016
The Surveillance Window Application (SWAP): A Web-Hosted Tool to Facilitate Situational Awareness during Outbreaks
A Deshpande, E Abeyta, L Castro, A Daughton, G Fairchild, N Generous, ...
Workshops at the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015
Analytics for Investigation of Disease Outbreaks (AIDO) ā€“A web-based analytic facilitating situational awareness in unfolding disease outbreaks
N Velappan, AR Daughton, G Fairchild, W Earl, NG Rosenberger, ...
Intended for: Health Security
A Deshpande, BH Mcmahon, AR Daughton, EL Abeyta, K Anderson, ...
Biosurveillance Analytics Resource Directory (BARD): Usability Requirements
KJ Margevicius, N Generous, E Abeyta, B Althouse, H Burkom, L Castro, ...
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Articles 1–18