LEE jae Kang
LEE jae Kang
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Cited by
Evaluation of water indices for surface water extraction in a Landsat 8 scene of Nepal
TD Acharya, A Subedi, DH Lee
Sensors 18 (8), 2580, 2018
Identification of water bodies in a Landsat 8 OLI image using a J48 decision tree
TD Acharya, DH Lee, IT Yang, JK Lee
Sensors 16 (7), 1075, 2016
Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for surface water extraction in a Landsat 8 scene of Nepal
TD Acharya, A Subedi, DH Lee
Sensors 19 (12), 2769, 2019
Optimal methods of RTK-GPS/accelerometer integration to monitor the displacement of structures
J Hwang, H Yun, SK Park, D Lee, S Hong
Sensors 12 (1), 1014-1034, 2012
Landslide susceptibility mapping using relative frequency and predictor rate along Araniko Highway
TD Acharya, DH Lee
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 23, 763-776, 2019
Multi-temporal land cover change mapping using google earth engine and ensemble learning methods
N Wagle, TD Acharya, V Kolluru, H Huang, DH Lee
Applied Sciences 10 (22), 8083, 2020
Application of water indices in surface water change detection using Landsat imagery in Nepal
TD Acharya, A Subedi, H Huang, DH Lee
Sens. Mater 31 (1429), 10.18494, 2019
Combining water indices for water and background threshold in Landsat image
TD Acharya, A Subedi, IT Yang, DH Lee
Proceedings 2 (3), 143, 2017
Development of an RTK-GPS positioning application with an improved position error model for smartphones
J Hwang, H Yun, Y Suh, J Cho, D Lee
Sensors 12 (10), 12988-13001, 2012
Comprehensive Review on Application of Machine Learning Algorithms for Water Quality Parameter Estimation Using Remote Sensing Data.
N Wagle, TD Acharya, DH Lee
Sensors & Materials 32, 2020
Exploring Land Cover Classification Accuracy of Landsat 8 Image Using Spectral Index Layer Stacking in Hilly Region of South Korea.
JK Lee, TD Acharya, DH Lee
Sensors & Materials 30, 2018
GIS-based spatio-temporal analysis of marine accidents database in the coastal zone of Korea
TD Acharya, KW Yoo, DH Lee
Journal of Coastal Research, 114-118, 2017
GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping of Bhotang, Nepal using frequency ratio and statistical index methods
TD Acharya, IT Yang, DH Lee
한국측량학회지 35 (5), 357-364, 2017
Land cover classification using a KOMPSAT-3A multi-spectral satellite image
TD Acharya, IT Yang, DH Lee
Applied Sciences 6 (11), 371, 2016
Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies for Sustainable Development: A Review of Applications.
TD Acharya, DH Lee
Sensors & Materials 31, 2019
Change detection of lakes in Pokhara, Nepal using Landsat data
TD Acharya, IT Yang, A Subedi, DH Lee
Proceedings 1 (2), 17, 2016
Comparative analysis of digital elevation models between AW3D30, SRTM30 and airborne LiDAR: A case of Chuncheon, South Korea
TD Acharya, IT Yang, DH Lee
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and …, 2018
Analysis of Jure landslide dam, Sindhupalchowk using GIS and remote sensing
TD Acharya, SC Mainali, IT Yang, DH Lee
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2016
Landslide susceptibility mapping for 2015 earthquake region of Sindhupalchowk, Nepal using frequency ratio
IT Yang, TD Acharya, DH Lee
Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and …, 2016
Development of mobile platform for indoor positioning reference map using geomagnetic field data
H Huang, DH Lee, K Chang, W Li, TD Acharya
Computers & Electrical Engineering 68, 557-569, 2018
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Articles 1–20