Marc Barcelo
Marc Barcelo
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Fog computing based efficient IoT scheme for the Industry 4.0
G Peralta, M Iglesias-Urkia, M Barcelo, R Gomez, A Moran, J Bilbao
2017 IEEE international workshop of electronics, control, measurement …, 2017
IoT-cloud service optimization in next generation smart environments
M Barcelo, A Correa, J Llorca, AM Tulino, JL Vicario, A Morell
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (12), 4077-4090, 2016
A review of pedestrian indoor positioning systems for mass market applications
A Correa, M Barcelo, A Morell, JL Vicario
Sensors 17 (8), 1927, 2017
Data aggregation and principal component analysis in WSNs
A Morell, A Correa, M Barceló, JL Vicario
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (6), 3908-3919, 2016
Securing IIoT using defence-in-depth: towards an end-to-end secure industry 4.0
A Mosteiro-Sanchez, M Barcelo, J Astorga, A Urbieta
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 57, 367-378, 2020
Addressing mobility in RPL with position assisted metrics
M Barcelo, A Correa, JL Vicario, A Morell, X Vilajosana
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (7), 2151-2161, 2015
Towards a lightweight protocol for Industry 4.0: An implementation based benchmark
M Iglesias-Urkia, A Orive, M Barcelo, A Moran, J Bilbao, A Urbieta
2017 IEEE International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement …, 2017
The cloud service distribution problem in distributed cloud networks
M Barcelo, J Llorca, AM Tulino, N Raman
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 344-350, 2015
Enhanced inertial-aided indoor tracking system for wireless sensor networks: A review
A Correa, M Barcelo, A Morell, JL Vicario
IEEE Sensors Journal 14 (9), 2921-2929, 2014
Cooperative interaction among multiple RPL instances in wireless sensor networks
M Barcelo, A Correa, JL Vicario, A Morell
Computer Communications 81, 61-71, 2016
Indoor pedestrian tracking by on-body multiple receivers
A Correa, MB Llado, A Morell, JL Vicario
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (8), 2545-2553, 2016
Joint routing, channel allocation and power control for real‐life wireless sensor networks
M Barceló, A Correa, JL Vicario, A Morell
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 26 (5), 945-956, 2015
Navigation system for elderly care applications based on wireless sensor networks
A Correa, A Morell, M Barcelo, JL Vicario
2012 Proceedings of the 20th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO …, 2012
A reduced complexity approach to IAA beamforming for efficient DOA estimation of coherent sources
M Barcelo, J Lopez Vicario, G Seco-Granados
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2011, 1-16, 2011
Novel routing approach for the TSCH mode of IEEE 802.15. 14e in wireless sensor networks with mobile nodes
M Barcelo, A Correa, X Vilajosana, JL Vicario, A Morell
2014 IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2014-Fall), 1-5, 2014
Revisiting the feasibility of public key cryptography in light of iiot communications
J Astorga, M Barcelo, A Urbieta, E Jacob
Sensors 22 (7), 2561, 2022
Improving efficiency and security of IIoT communications using in-network validation of server certificate
A Atutxa, J Astorga, M Barcelo, A Urbieta, E Jacob
Computers in Industry 144, 103802, 2023
Joint routing and transmission power control for collection tree protocol in WSN
M Barcelo, A Correa, J Vicario, A Morell
2013 IEEE 24th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and …, 2013
Multi-channel routing algorithm for cluster-tree wireless sensor networks in aerospace applications
M Barcelo, JL Vicario, G Seco-Granados, JM Puig, JM Laborda
2011 4th Annual Caneus Fly by Wireless Workshop, 1-4, 2011
End to end secure data exchange in value chains with dynamic policy updates
A Mosteiro-Sanchez, M Barcelo, J Astorga, A Urbieta
Future Generation Computer Systems 158, 333-345, 2024
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Articles 1–20