Mark Oude Alink
Mark Oude Alink
Associate Professor in Integrated Circuit Design, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands
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Cited by
Lowering the SNR wall for energy detection using cross-correlation
MS Oude Alink, ABJ Kokkeler, EAM Klumperink, GJM Smit, B Nauta
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60 (8), 3748-3757, 2011
Cancellation of opamp virtual ground imperfections by a negative conductance applied to improve RF receiver linearity
DH Mahrof, EAM Klumperink, Z Ru, MS Oude Alink, B Nauta
IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 49 (5), 1112-1124, 2014
A 50MHz-to-1.5 GHz cross-correlation CMOS spectrum analyzer for cognitive radio with 89dB SFDR in 1MHz RBW
MS Oude Alink, EAM Klumperink, MCM Soer, ABJ Kokkeler, B Nauta
New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum, 2010 IEEE Symposium on, 1-6, 2010
Spurious-free dynamic range of a uniform quantizer
MS Oude Alink, ABJ Kokkeler, EAM Klumperink, KC Rovers, GJM Smit, ...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 56 (6), 434-438, 2009
A CMOS-compatible spectrum analyzer for cognitive radio exploiting crosscorrelation to improve linearity and noise performance
MS Oude Alink, EAM Klumperink, ABJ Kokkeler, MCM Soer, GJM Smit, ...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 59 (3), 479-492, 2012
RF circuit linearity optimization using a general weak nonlinearity model
W Cheng, MS Oude Alink, AJ Annema, JA Croon, B Nauta
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems I: regular papers 59 (10), 2340-2353, 2012
Using crosscorrelation to mitigate analog/RF impairments for integrated spectrum analyzers
MS Oude Alink, EAM Klumperink, ABJ Kokkeler, Z Ru, W Cheng, B Nauta
IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques 61 (3), 1327-1337, 2013
A Wideband IM3 Cancellation Technique for CMOS -and T-Attenuators
W Cheng, MS Oude Alink, AJ Annema, GJM Wienk, B Nauta
IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 48 (2), 358-368, 2013
Spectrum sensing with high sensitivity and interferer robustness using cross-correlation energy detection
MS Oude Alink, ABJ Kokkeler, EAM Klumperink, GJM Smit, B Nauta
IEEE journal on emerging and selected topics in circuits and systems 3 (4 …, 2013
A receiver with in-band IIP 3> 20dBm, exploiting cancelling of OpAmp finite-gain-induced distortion via negative conductance
DH Mahrof, EAM Klumperink, MS Oude Alink, B Nauta
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), 2013 IEEE, 85-88, 2013
Hardware implementations for voice activity detection: Trends, challenges and outlook
S Yadav, PAD Legaspi, MS Oude Alink, ABJ Kokkeler, B Nauta
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 70 (3), 1083-1096, 2022
RF spectrum sensing in CMOS exploiting crosscorrelation
MS Oude Alink
Increasing the spurious-free dynamic range of an integrated spectrum analyzer
MS Oude Alink
A Single-Trim Frequency Reference Achieving±120 ppm Accuracy From− 50° C to 170° C
AS Delke, AJ Annema, MS Oude Alink, Y Jin, J Verlinden, B Nauta
IEEE journal of solid-state circuits 56 (11), 3434-3444, 2021
Improving harmonic rejection for spectrum sensing using crosscorrelation
MS Oude Alink, ABJ Kokkeler, EAM Klumperink, Z Ru, W Cheng, B Nauta
ESSCIRC (ESSCIRC), 2012 Proceedings of the, 361-364, 2012
Exploring the use of two antennas for crosscorrelation spectrum sensing
MS Oude Alink, AR Smeenge, ABJ Kokkeler, EAM Klumperink, GJM Smit, ...
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2011 IEEE, 1-5, 2011
Reverse Intermodulation in Multi-Tone Array Transmitters
AN Atanasov, MS Oude Alink, FE van Vliet
2020 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and …, 2020
A CMOS spectrum analyzer frontend for cognitive radio achieving+ 25dBm IIP3 and− 169 dBm/Hz DANL
MS Oude Alink, EAM Klumperink, ABJ Kokkeler, W Cheng, Z Ru, ...
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), 2012 IEEE, 35-38, 2012
A wideband IM3 cancellation technique for CMOS attenuators
W Cheng, MS Oude Alink, AJ Annema, GJM Wienk, B Nauta
Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC), IEEE …, 2012
Simplified Harmonic Rejection Mixer Analysis and Design Based on a Filtered Periodic Impulse Model
PT de Boer, MS Oude Alink, EAM Klumperink
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2021
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Articles 1–20