Michael A. Long
Cited by
Cited by
The treadmill of crime: Political economy and green criminology
PB Stretesky, MA Long, MJ Lynch
Routledge, 2013
Is it a crime to produce ecological disorganization? Why green criminology and political economy matter in the analysis of global ecological harms
MJ Lynch, MA Long, KL Barrett, PB Stretesky
British Journal of Criminology 53 (6), 997-1016, 2013
Green Criminology: Crime, Justice and the Environment
MJ Lynch, MA Long, PB Stretesky, KL Barrett
University of California Press, 2017
Fair/alternative Trade: historical and empirical dimensions.
LT Raynolds, MA Long
Fair Trade: The Challenges of Transforming Globalization, 15-32, 2007
Does environmental enforcement slow the treadmill of production? The relationship between large monetary penalties, ecological disorganization and toxic releases within …
PB Stretesky, MA Long, MJ Lynch
Journal of Crime and Justice 36 (2), 233-247, 2013
Ethical consumption, values convergence/divergence and community development
MA Long, DL Murray
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (2), 351-375, 2013
Crime in the Coal Industry: Implications for Green Criminology and Treadmill of Production
MA Long, PB Stretesky, MJ Lynch, E Fenwick
Organization & Environment 25 (3), 328-346, 2012
Food insecurity in advanced capitalist nations: A review
MA Long, L Gonçalves, PB Stretesky, MA Defeyter
Sustainability 12 (9), 3654, 2020
Green criminology and native peoples: The treadmill of production and the killing of indigenous environmental activists
MJ Lynch, PB Stretesky, MA Long
Theoretical Criminology 22 (3), 318-341, 2018
The Neglect of Quantitative Research in Green Criminology and Its Consequences
MJ Lynch, KL Barrett, PB Stretesky, MA Long
Critical Criminology 25 (2), 183-198, 2017
The normative order of reporting police misconduct: Examining the roles of offense seriousness, legitimacy, and fairness
MA Long, JE Cross, TOC Shelley, S Kutnjak Ivković
Social Psychology Quarterly 76 (3), 242-267, 2013
The Weak Probability of Punishment for Environmental Offenses and Deterrence of Environmental Offenders: A Discussion Based on USEPA Criminal Cases, 1983–2013
MJ Lynch, KL Barrett, PB Stretesky, MA Long
Deviant Behavior 37 (10), 1095-1109, 2016
The Exxon and BP oil spills: a comparison of psychosocial impacts
DA Gill, LA Ritchie, JS Picou, J Langhinrichsen-Rohling, MA Long, ...
Natural Hazards 74 (3), 1911-1932, 2014
Measuring the Ecological Impact of the Wealthy: Excessive Consumption, Ecological Disorganization, Green Crime, and Justice
MJ Lynch, MA Long, PB Stretesky, KL Barrett
Social Currents 6 (4), 377-395, 2019
Defining Crime: A Critique of the Concept and Its Implication
MJ Lynch, PB Stretesky, MA Long
Palgrave, 2015
Mental well-being in UK higher education during COVID-19: Do students trust universities and the government?
MA Defeyter, PB Stretesky, MA Long, S Furey, C Reynolds, D Porteous, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 9, 646916, 2021
Green Criminology and State-Corporate Crime: The Ecocide-Genocide Nexus with Examples from Nigeria
MJ Lynch, A Fegadel, MA Long
Journal of Genocide Research 23 (2), 236-256, 2020
Environmental justice: A criminological perspective
MJ Lynch, PB Stretesky, MA Long
Environmental Research Letters 10 (8), 085008, 2015
Mitigating Litigating: An Examination of Psychosocial Impacts of Compensation Processes Associated with the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
LA Ritchie, DA Gill, MA Long
Risk Analysis 38 (8), 1656-1671, 2018
Green Criminology: Capitalism, Green Crime and Justice, and Environmental Destruction
MJ Lynch, MA Long
Annual Review of Criminology 5, 255-276, 2022
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Articles 1–20