Stefano Ponte
Cited by
Cited by
Quality standards, conventions and the governance of global value chains
S Ponte, P Gibbon
Economy and Society 34 (1), 1-31, 2005
Trading down: Africa, value chains and the global economy
P Gibbon, S Ponte
Temple University Press, 2005
The coffee paradox: Global markets, commodity trade and the elusive promise of development
B Daviron, S Ponte
Zed books, 2005
The 'latte revolution'? Regulation, markets and consumption in the global coffee chain
S Ponte
World Development 30 (7), 1099-1122, 2002
Governing global value chains: An introduction
P Gibbon, J Bair, S Ponte
Economy & Society 37 (3), 315-338, 2008
Global commodity chain analysis and the French filière approach: Comparison and critique
P Raikes, M Friis Jensen, S Ponte
Economy & Society 29 (3), 390-417, 2000
Explaining governance in global value chains: A modular theory-building effort
S Ponte, T Sturgeon
Review of International Political Economy 21 (1), 195-223, 2014
Integrating poverty and environmental concerns into value chain analysis: A conceptual framework
S Bolwig, S Ponte, A Du Toit, L Riisgaard, N Halberg
Development Policy Review 28 (2), 173-194, 2010
Standards as a new form of social contract? Sustainability initiatives in the coffee industry
D Giovannucci, S Ponte
Food Policy 30 (3), 284-301, 2005
Which way is “up” in upgrading? Trajectories of change in the value chain for South African wine
S Ponte, J Ewert
World Development 37 (10), 1637-1650, 2009
Brand aid: Shopping well to save the world
LA Richey, S Ponte
University of Minnesota Press, 2011
Power in global value chains
MP Dallas, S Ponte, TJ Sturgeon
Review of International Political Economy 26 (4), 666-694, 2019
‘Black Economic Empowerment’, business and the state in South Africa
S Ponte, S Roberts, L Van Sittert
Development and Change 38 (5), 933-955, 2007
Greener than thou: The political economy of fish ecolabeling and its local manifestations in South Africa
S Ponte
World Development 36 (1), 159-175, 2008
Certify sustainable aquaculture?
SR Bush, B Belton, D Hall, P Vandergeest, FJ Murray, S Ponte, ...
Science 341 (6150), 1067-1068, 2013
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and the making of a market for ‘sustainable fish’
S Ponte
Journal of Agrarian Change 12 (2‐3), 300-315, 2012
Multi-stakeholder initiatives on sustainability: A cross-disciplinary review and research agenda for business ethics
FGA de Bakker, A Rasche, S Ponte
Business Ethics Quarterly 29 (3), 343-383, 2019
Introduction to the handbook on global value chains
S Ponte, G Gereffi, G Raj-Reichert
Handbook on Global Value Chains, 2019
Integrating poverty and environmental concerns into value chain analysis: A Strategic framework and practical guide
L Riisgaard, S Bolwig, S Ponte, A Du Toit, N Halberg, F Matose
Development Policy Review 28 (2), 195-216, 2010
Governing through quality: Conventions and supply relations in the value chain for South African wine
S Ponte
Sociologia Ruralis 49 (3), 236-257, 2009
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Articles 1–20