Kristin Haglund
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Cited by
The association of religiosity, sexual education, and parental factors with risky sexual behaviors among adolescents and young adults
KA Haglund, RJ Fehring
Journal of religion and health 49, 460-472, 2010
Debrief in emergency departments to improve compassion fatigue and promote resiliency
M Schmidt, K Haglund
Journal of Trauma Nursing| JTN 24 (5), 317-322, 2017
The influence of religiosity, gender, and language preference acculturation on sexual activity among Latino/a adolescents
LM Edwards, RJ Fehring, KM Jarrett, KA Haglund
Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 30 (4), 447-462, 2008
Religiosity and sexual risk behaviors among Latina adolescents: trends from 1995 to 2008
LM Edwards, K Haglund, RJ Fehring, J Pruszynski
Journal of Women's Health 20 (6), 871-877, 2011
Conducting life history research with adolescents
K Haglund
Qualitative health research 14 (9), 1309-1319, 2004
Parenting a second time around: An ethnography of African American grandmothers parenting grandchildren due to parental cocaine abuse
K Haglund
Journal of Family Nursing 6 (2), 120-135, 2000
A theater intervention to prevent teen dating violence for Mexican-American middle school students
RA Belknap, K Haglund, H Felzer, J Pruszynski, J Schneider
Journal of Adolescent Health 53 (1), 62-67, 2013
Sexually abstinent African American adolescent females' descriptions of abstinence
K Haglund
Journal of Nursing Scholarship 35 (3), 231-236, 2003
Adolescents' preferences for primary care provider interactions
K Schaeuble, K Haglund, M Vukovich
Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 15 (3), 202-210, 2010
The role of spirituality and religiosity in persons living with sickle cell disease: a review of the literature
D Clayton-Jones, K Haglund
Journal of Holistic Nursing 34 (4), 351-360, 2016
Mexican American female adolescents’ perceptions of relationships and dating violence
K Haglund, RA Belknap, JT Garcia
Journal of Nursing Scholarship 44 (3), 215-222, 2012
Spirituality and religiosity in adolescents living with sickle cell disease
D Clayton-Jones, K Haglund, RA Belknap, J Schaefer, AA Thompson
Western Journal of Nursing Research 38 (6), 686-703, 2016
Recommendations for sexuality education for early adolescents
K Haglund
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing 35 (3), 369-375, 2006
The influence of masculinity on male Latino adolescents’ perceptions regarding dating relationships and dating violence
K Haglund, RA Belknap, LM Edwards, M Tassara, JV Hoven, A Woda
Violence against women 25 (9), 1039-1052, 2019
Factors influencing self-care behaviors of African Americans with heart failure: A photovoice project
A Woda, RA Belknap, K Haglund, M Sebern, A Lawrence
Heart & Lung 44 (1), 33-38, 2015
Probiotics for the management of infantile colic: a systematic review
J Simonson, K Haglund, E Weber, A Fial, L Hanson
MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing 46 (2), 88-96, 2021
Introducing allergenic food into Infants' diets: systematic review
K Larson, J McLaughlin, M Stonehouse, B Young, K Haglund
MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing 42 (2), 72-80, 2017
Pediatric oncology nurses’ perceptions of prognosis-related communication
AR Newman, K Haglund, CC Rodgers
Nursing outlook 67 (1), 101-114, 2019
Parents’ perspectives on caring for children after solid organ transplant
SM Lerret, NL Johnson, KA Haglund
Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing 22 (3), e12178, 2017
Self-care behaviors of African Americans living with heart failure
A Woda, K Haglund, RA Belknap, M Sebern
Journal of community health nursing 32 (4), 173-186, 2015
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