Denis Hamad
Denis Hamad
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Fault detection and diagnosis in an induction machine drive: A pattern recognition approach based on concordia stator mean current vector
D Diallo, MEH Benbouzid, D Hamad, X Pierre
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 20 (3), 512-519, 2005
Constraint scores for semi-supervised feature selection: A comparative study
M Kalakech, P Biela, L Macaire, D Hamad
Pattern Recognition Letters 32 (5), 656-665, 2011
Introduction to spectral clustering
D Hamad, P Biela
2008 3rd international conference on information and communication …, 2008
Multi-label, multi-task CNN approach for context-based emotion recognition
I Bendjoudi, F Vanderhaegen, D Hamad, F Dornaika
Information Fusion 76, 422-428, 2021
LBP histogram selection for supervised color texture classification
A Porebski, N Vandenbroucke, D Hamad
2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 3239-3243, 2013
A new benchmark image test suite for evaluating colour texture classification schemes
A Porebski, N Vandenbroucke, L Macaire, D Hamad
Multimedia Tools and Applications 70, 543-556, 2014
Hybrid hidden Markov model for marine environment monitoring
K Rousseeuw, EP Caillault, A Lefebvre, D Hamad
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2014
Multi-color space local binary pattern-based feature selection for texture classification
A Porebski, VT Hoang, N Vandenbroucke, D Hamad
Journal of Electronic Imaging 27 (1), 011010-011010, 2018
K-means clustering algorithm in projected spaces
A Nasser, D Hamad, C Nasr
2006 9th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1-6, 2006
Bounded influence support vector regression for robust single-model estimation
F Dufrenois, J Colliez, D Hamad
IEEE transactions on neural networks 20 (11), 1689-1706, 2009
Image noise detection in global illumination methods based on FRVM
J Constantin, A Bigand, I Constantin, D Hamad
Neurocomputing 164, 82-95, 2015
Spectral clustering applied for dynamic contrast-enhanced MR analysis of time–intensity curves
G Tartare, D Hamad, M Azahaf, P Puech, N Betrouni
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 38 (8), 702-713, 2014
Constrained spectral embedding for K-way data clustering
G Wacquet, ÉP Caillault, D Hamad, PA Hébert
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (9), 1009-1017, 2013
Optic flow estimation by support vector regression
J Colliez, F Dufrenois, D Hamad
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 19 (7), 761-768, 2006
Vehicle license plate recognition in marketing application
A Taleb-Ahmed, D Hamad, G Tilmant
IEEE IV2003 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Proceedings (Cat. No. 03TH8683 …, 2003
Monitoring system of phytoplankton blooms by using unsupervised classifier and time modeling
K Rousseeuw, EP Caillault, A Lefebvre, D Hamad
2013 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium-IGARSS, 3962 …, 2013
Robust Regression and Outlier Detection with SVR: Application to Optic Flow Estimation.
J Colliez, F Dufrenois, D Hamad
BMVC, 1229-1238, 2006
Machine learning based intrusion detection for cyber-security in IoT networks
A Khatib, M Hamlich, D Hamad
E3S Web of Conferences 297, 01057, 2021
Unsupervised local binary pattern histogram selection scores for color texture classification
M Kalakech, A Porebski, N Vandenbroucke, D Hamad
Journal of Imaging 4 (10), 112, 2018
LBP histogram selection based on sparse representation for color texture classification
VT Hoang, A Porebski, N Vandenbroucke, D Hamad
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications 5, 476-483, 2017
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Articles 1–20