Magdalena Szubielska
Magdalena Szubielska
Institute of Psychology, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
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Cited by
The influence of the physical context and knowledge of artworks on the aesthetic experience of interactive installations
M Szubielska, K Imbir, A Szymańska
Current Psychology 40 (8), 3702-3715, 2021
The aesthetic experience of critical art: The effects of the context of an art gallery and the way of providing curatorial information
M Szubielska, K Imbir
PLoS One 16 (5), e0250924, 2021
Diagnoza specjalnych potrzeb rozwojowych i edukacyjnych dzieci i młodzieży: standardy, wytyczne oraz wskazówki do przygotowywania i adaptacji narzędzi diagnostycznych dla …
K Krakowiak, A Borowicz, A Dłużniewska, E Domagała-Zyśk, ...
Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji, 2017
The impact of ambiguity in the image and title on the liking and understanding of contemporary paintings
M Szubielska, J Ganczarek, K Pietras, A Stolińska
Poetics 87, 101537, 2021
The effect of educational workshops in an art gallery on children’s evaluation and interpretation of contemporary art
M Szubielska, M Ratomska, M Wójtowicz, A Szymańska
Empirical Studies of the Arts 38 (2), 135-148, 2020
People with sight impairment in the world of visual arts: does it make any sense?
M Szubielska
Disability & Society 33 (9), 1533-1538, 2018
Twórczość plastyczna jako forma wspierania rozwoju osób niewidomych i głuchoniewidomych
M Szubielska, E Niestorowicz
Müller D., Sobczak A.(red.), Rozwój i jego wspieranie w perspektywie …, 2013
Prior visual experience, and perception and memory of shape in people with total blindness
M Toroj, M Szubielska
British Journal of Visual Impairment 29 (1), 60-81, 2011
Strategies for constructing spatial representations used by blind and sighted subjects
M Szubielska
Studia Psychologica 56 (4), 273, 2014
The role of visual experience in changing the size of objects in imagery processing
M Szubielska, B Marek
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 109 (1), 43-53, 2015
How does knowledge about an artist’s disability change the aesthetic experience?
M Szubielska, K Imbir, A Fudali-Czyż, P Augustynowicz
Advances in Cognitive Psychology 16 (2), 150, 2020
Spatial scaling in congenitally blind and sighted individuals: Similarities and differences
M Szubielska, W Möhring, M Szewczyk
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 31 (4), 476-486, 2019
The relevance of object size to the recognizability of drawings by individuals with congenital blindness
M Szubielska, E Niestorowicz, B Marek
Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness 113 (3), 295-310, 2019
Seeing Suppresses Haptic Pleasure While Perceiving Contemporary Art
M Szubielska, E Niestorowicz
i-Perception 11 (3), 2041669520932948, 2020
The influence of extended contextual information provided in a contemporary art gallery on aesthetic experience of art faculties students
M Szubielska, A Sztorc
Polish Psychological Bulletin 50 (4), 345-351, 2019
The impact of reading or listening to a contextual information relating to contemporary paintings on the evaluation by non-experts in the field of art
M Szubielska, P Francuz, E Niestorowicz, B Bałaj
Polskie Forum Psychologiczne 23 (3), 610-627, 2018
Titles and Semantic Violations Affect Eye Movements When Viewing Contemporary Paintings
J Ganczarek, K Pietras, A Stolińska, M Szubielska
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2022
Does Art Activism Affect Pre-school Children’s Attitudes towards Individuals with Blindness?
M Szubielska, M Wojtasiński, K Pasternak, A Szymańska, M Wójtowicz
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 69 (2), 371-381, 2022
Adults’ spatial scaling: Evidence from the haptic domain
M Szubielska, W Möhring
Cognitive processing 20 (4), 431-440, 2019
Jak rysują osoby, które nigdy nie widziały? Badania niewidomych uczniów
M Szubielska, E Niestorowicz, B Marek
Roczniki Psychologiczne 19 (4), 659-680, 2019
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Articles 1–20