Waldemar Trzcinski
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Cited by
Detonation properties of 1, 1-diamino-2, 2-dinitroethene (DADNE)
WA Trzciński, S Cudziło, Z Chyłek, L Szymańczyk
Journal of Hazardous Materials 157 (2-3), 605-612, 2008
Studies of detonation characteristics of aluminum enriched RDX compositions
WA Trzciński, S Cudziło, L Szymańczyk
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics: An International Journal Dealing with …, 2007
Thermobaric and enhanced blast explosives–properties and testing methods
WA Trzciński, L Maiz
Propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics 40 (5), 632-644, 2015
1, 1-Diamino-2, 2-dinitroethene (DADNE, FOX-7)–Properties and formulations (a review)
W Trzciński, A Belaada
Central European Journal of Energetic Materials 13 (2), 527-544, 2016
Studies of free field and confined explosions of aluminium enriched RDX compositions
WA Trzciński, S Cudziło, J Paszula
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics: An International Journal Dealing with …, 2007
A review of polysiloxanes in terms of their application in explosives
K Zalewski, Z Chyłek, WA Trzciński
Polymers 13 (7), 1080, 2021
A comparison of the sensitivity and performance characteristics of melt-pour explosives with TNT and DNAN binder
W Trzciński, S Cudziło, S Dyjak, M Nita
Central European Journal of Energetic Materials 11 (3), 443-455, 2014
Detonation characteristics of plastic explosives based on attractive nitramines with polyisobutylene and poly (methyl methacrylate) binders
A Elbeih, J Pachman, S Zeman, P Vávra, WA Trzciński, Z Akštein
Journal of Energetic Materials 30 (4), 358-371, 2012
Wojskowe materiały wybuchowe
S Cudziło, A Maranda, J Nowaczewski, R Trębiński, WA Trzciński
Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej, Częstochowa, 2000
Sensitivity and performance properties of TEX explosives
JA Vágenknecht, P Mareček, WA Trzciński
Journal of Energetic Materials 20 (3), 245-253, 2002
Study of plastic explosives based on attractive cyclic nitramines Part I. Detonation characteristics of explosives with PIB binder
A Elbeih, J Pachman, WA Trzciński, S Zeman, Z Akštein, J Šelešovský
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 36 (5), 433-438, 2011
Study of plastic explosives based on attractive cyclic nitramines, part II. Detonation characteristics of explosives with polyfluorinated binders
A Elbeih, J Pachman, S Zeman, WA Trzcinski, M Suceska
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 38 (2), 238-243, 2013
Calorimetry studies of explosion heat of non-ideal explosives
W Kiciński, WA Trzciński
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 96, 623-630, 2009
Detonation properties and thermal behavior of FOX-7-based explosives
WA Trzciński, S Cudziło, Z Chyłek, L Szymańczyk
Journal of Energetic Materials 31 (1), 72-85, 2013
Investigation of blast performance and solid residues for layered thermobaric charges
WA Trzciński, K Barcz, J Paszula, S Cudziło
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 39 (1), 40-50, 2014
Application of a cylinder test for determining energetic characteristics of explosives
WA Trzciński
Journal of Technical physics 42 (2), 165-179, 2001
Study of the Effect of Additive Particle Size on Non‐ideal Explosive Performance
WA Trzciński, S Cudziło, J Paszula, J Callaway
Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics: An International Journal Dealing with …, 2008
Visualization of turbulent combustion of TNT detonation products in a steel vessel
P Wolański, Z Gut, WA Trzciński, L Szymańczyk, J Paszula
Shock Waves 10, 127-136, 2000
Thermal stability and detonation characteristics of pressed and elastic explosives on the basis of selected cyclic nitramines
A ElbEIh, J PAChmáň, S ZEmAN, WA TrZCIńSkI, Z Akstein, M Sućeska
Central European Journal of Energetic Materials 7 (3), 217-232, 2010
Detonation performance of aluminium-ammonium nitrate explosives
J Paszula, WA Trzciński, K Sprzątczak
Central European Journal of Energetic Materials 5 (1), 3-11, 2008
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Articles 1–20