William T. Swaney
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Cited by
Familiarity facilitates social learning of foraging behaviour in the guppy
W Swaney, J Kendal, H Capon, C Brown, KN Laland
Animal Behaviour 62 (3), 591-598, 2001
C-tactile afferents: Cutaneous mediators of oxytocin release during affiliative tactile interactions?
SC Walker, PD Trotter, WT Swaney, A Marshall, FP Mcglone
Neuropeptides 64, 27-38, 2017
The evolution of pheromonal communication
WT Swaney, EB Keverne
Behavioural brain research 200 (2), 239-247, 2009
Paternal influence on female behavior: the role of Peg3 in exploration, olfaction, and neuroendocrine regulation of maternal behavior of female mice.
FA Champagne, JP Curley, WT Swaney, NS Hasen, EB Keverne
Behavioral neuroscience 123 (3), 469, 2009
The meaning of weaning: influence of the weaning period on behavioral development in mice
JP Curley, ER Jordan, WT Swaney, A Izraelit, S Kammel, FA Champagne
Developmental neuroscience 31 (4), 318-331, 2009
Genomic imprinting mediates sexual experience-dependent olfactory learning in male mice
WT Swaney, JP Curley, FA Champagne, EB Keverne
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (14), 6084-6089, 2007
Sexual experience affects reproductive behavior and preoptic androgen receptors in male mice
WT Swaney, BN Dubose, JP Curley, FA Champagne
Hormones and behavior 61 (4), 472-478, 2012
The paternally expressed gene Peg3 regulates sexual experience-dependent preferences for estrous odors.
WT Swaney, JP Curley, FA Champagne, EB Keverne
Behavioral neuroscience 122 (5), 963, 2008
Nonapeptide influences on social behaviour: effects of vasotocin and isotocin on shoaling and interaction in zebrafish
CM Lindeyer, EMA Langen, WT Swaney, SM Reader
Behaviour 152, 897 – 915, 2015
Behavioural responses of feral and domestic guppies (Poecilia reticulata) to predators and their cues
WT Swaney, MJ Cabrera-Álvarez, SM Reader
Behavioural processes 118, 42-46, 2015
Forebrain activation during social exposure in wild-type guppies
MJ Cabrera-Álvarez, WT Swaney, SM Reader
Physiology & behavior 182, 107-113, 2017
A nematode that can manipulate the behaviour of slugs
A Morris, M Green, H Martin, K Crossland, WT Swaney, SM Williamson, ...
Behavioural processes 151, 73-80, 2018
Genomic imprinting and mammalian reproduction
WT Swaney
Hormones and behavior 59 (3), 369-374, 2011
Subordinate submissive responses are predicted by dominant behaviour in a cooperatively breeding fish
V Manara, T Ruberto, WT Swaney, AR Reddon
Behaviour 160 (2), 127-144, 2022
Interacting effects of environmental enrichment across multiple generations on early life phenotypes in zebrafish
MR Green, WT Swaney
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental …, 2023
Submissive behavior is affected by territory structure in a social fish
T Ruberto, WT Swaney, AR Reddon
Current Zoology, zoae014, 2024
Familiarity preferences in zebrafish (Danio rerio) depend on shoal proximity
WT Swaney, C Ellwood, JP Davis, AR Reddon
Journal of Fish Biology, 2024
Sciomyzidae (Diptera) assemblages in constructed and natural wetlands: implications for constructed wetland design
CJ Mulkeen, MJ Gormally, WT Swaney, MG Healy, CD Williams
Wetlands 44 (1), 5, 2024
Demasculinization of male guppies increases resistance to a common and harmful ectoparasite
F Dargent, AR Reddon, WT Swaney, GF Fussman, SM Reader, ME Scott, ...
Parasitology, 2015
Regulation of olfaction, anxiety, and maternal behavior in mice by paternally expressed genes.
FA Champagne, JP Curley, WT Swaney, EB Keverne
Hormones and Behavior 48 (1), 92-93, 2005
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Articles 1–20