Fabio Chaddad
Cited by
Cited by
Integrating supply chain and network analyses: the study of netchains
SG Lazzarini, FR Chaddad, ML Cook
Journal on chain and network science 1 (1), 7-22, 2001
Understanding new cooperative models: an ownership–control rights typology
FR Chaddad, ML Cook
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 26 (3), 348-360, 2004
Control rights, governance, and the costs of ownership in agricultural cooperatives
F Chaddad, C Iliopoulos
Agribusiness 29 (1), 3-22, 2013
Agroindustrialization of the global agrifood economy: bridging development economics and agribusiness research
ML Cook, FR Chaddad
Agricultural economics 23 (3), 207-218, 2000
Redesigning cooperative boundaries: The emergence of new models
ML Cook, FR Chaddad
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 86 (5), 1249-1253, 2004
Advances in cooperative theory since 1990: A review of agricultural economics literature
ML Cook, FR Chaddad, C Iliopoulos
Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam School of Management, 2004
Testing for the presence of financial constraints in US agricultural cooperatives: an investment behaviour approach
FR Chaddad, ML Cook, T Heckelei
Journal of Agricultural Economics 56 (3), 385-397, 2005
Advancing the theory of the cooperative organization: the cooperative as a true hybrid
F Chaddad
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 83 (4), 445-461, 2012
The economics of organization structure changes: A US perspective on demutualization
FR Chaddad, ML Cook
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 75 (4), 575-594, 2004
The evolution of agricultural policies and agribusiness development in Brazil
FR Chaddad, MS Jank
Choices 21 (2), 85-90, 2006
The economics and organization of Brazilian agriculture: Recent evolution and productivity gains
F Chaddad
Academic Press, 2015
Sources of firm performance differences in the US food economy
FR Chaddad, MP Mondelli
Journal of Agricultural Economics 64 (2), 382-404, 2013
Alimentos: novos tempos e conceitos na gestão de negócios
MF Neves, FR Chaddad, SG Lazzarini
Putting theories of the firm in their place: A supplemental digest of the new institutional economics
ME Sykuta, FR Chaddad
Journal of cooperatives 14, 68-76, 1999
Cooperativas no agronegócio do leite: mudanças organizacionais e estratégicas em resposta à globalização
FR Chaddad
Organizações Rurais & Agroindustriais 9 (1), 2007
The emergence and proliferation of agroholdings and mega farms in a global context
FLP Hermans, FR Chaddad, T Gagalyuk, S Senesi, A Balmann
International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 20 (2), 175-186, 2017
Gestão de negócios em alimentos
MF Neves, FR Chaddad, SG Lazzarini
Pioneira Thomson Learning, 2002
Agribusiness europeu
CP Machado Filho, EE Spers, FR Chaddad, MF Neves
Separação entre propriedade e decisão de gestão nas cooperativas agropecuárias brasileiras
DRM Costa, FR Chaddad, PF Azevedo
Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 50, 285-300, 2012
Decisões financeiras em cooperativas: fontes de ineficiência e possíveis soluções
SG Lazzarini, S Bialoskorski Neto, FR Chaddad
Gestão & Produção 6, 257-268, 1999
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Articles 1–20