Rebecca C Cox
Cited by
Cited by
A systematic review of sleep disturbance in anxiety and related disorders
RC Cox, BO Olatunji
Journal of anxiety disorders 37, 104-129, 2016
The role of insufficient sleep and circadian misalignment in obesity
JP Chaput, AW McHill, RC Cox, JL Broussard, C Dutil, BGG da Costa, ...
Nature Reviews Endocrinology 19 (2), 82-97, 2023
Sleep in the anxiety-related disorders: A meta-analysis of subjective and objective research
RC Cox, BO Olatunji
Sleep Medicine Reviews 51, 101282, 2020
Pre-pandemic disgust proneness predicts increased coronavirus anxiety and safety behaviors: Evidence for a diathesis-stress model
RC Cox, SC Jessup, MJ Luber, BO Olatunji
Journal of anxiety disorders 76, 102315, 2020
Sleep Disturbance in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Epiphenomenon or Causal Factor?
RC Cox, BM Tuck, BO Olatunji
Current psychiatry reports 19 (4), 22, 2017
Cognitive mechanisms of disgust in the development and maintenance of psychopathology: A qualitative review and synthesis
KA Knowles, RC Cox, T Armstrong, BO Olatunji
Clinical Psychology Review, 2018
Self-disgust mediates the associations between shame and symptoms of bulimia and obsessive-compulsive disorder
BO Olatunji, R Cox, EH Kim
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 34 (3), 239-258, 2015
Differential associations between chronotype, anxiety, and negative affect: A structural equation modeling approach
RC Cox, BO Olatunji
Journal of Affective Disorders 257, 321-330, 2019
Prospective associations between sleep disturbance and repetitive negative thinking: the mediating roles of focusing and shifting attentional control
RC Cox, DA Cole, EL Kramer, BO Olatunji
Behavior therapy 49 (1), 21-31, 2018
Time of day effects on the relationship between daily sleep and anxiety: An ecological momentary assessment approach
RC Cox, SK Sterba, DA Cole, RP Upender, BO Olatunji
Behaviour research and therapy 111, 44-51, 2018
Linking sleep disturbance and maladaptive repetitive thought: The role of executive function
RC Cox, C Ebesutani, BO Olatunji
Cognitive Therapy and Research 40, 107-117, 2016
The effects of cognitive reappraisal on conditioned disgust in contamination-based OCD: An analogue study
BO Olatunji, H Berg, RC Cox, A Billingsley
Journal of Anxiety Disorders 51, 86-93, 2017
Linking insomnia and OCD symptoms during the coronavirus pandemic: Examination of prospective associations
RC Cox, BO Olatunji
Journal of anxiety disorders 77, 102341, 2021
Effects of experienced disgust on morally-relevant judgments
BO Olatunji, BD Puncochar, R Cox
PloS one 11 (8), 2016
Sleep disturbance and obsessive-compulsive symptoms: Results from the national comorbidity survey replication
RC Cox, BO Olatunji
Journal of psychiatric research 75, 41-45, 2016
Sleep in a pandemic: Implications of COVID-19 for sleep through the lens of the 3P model of insomnia.
RC Cox, BO Olatunji
American Psychologist 76 (7), 1159, 2021
Sleep in obsessive-compulsive and related disorders: a selective review and synthesis
RC Cox, AM Parmar, BO Olatunji
Current opinion in psychology 34, 23-26, 2020
Interactive Effects of Insomnia Symptoms and Trauma Exposure on PTSD: Examination of Symptom Specificity.
RC Cox, WA McIntyre, BO Olatunji
Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice and policy, 2017
The role of eveningness in obsessive-compulsive symptoms: Cross-sectional and prospective approaches
RC Cox, B Tuck, BO Olatunji
Journal of affective disorders 235, 448-455, 2018
Linking attentional control and PTSD symptom severity: the role of rumination
RC Cox, BO Olatunji
Cognitive behaviour therapy 46 (5), 421-431, 2017
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Articles 1–20