Sam Halabi
Sam Halabi
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A systematic review and meta-analysis of long COVID symptoms
A Natarajan, A Shetty, G Delanerolle, Y Zeng, Y Zhang, V Raymont, ...
Systematic reviews 12 (1), 88, 2023
The future of zoonotic risk prediction
CJ Carlson, MJ Farrell, Z Grange, BA Han, N Mollentze, AL Phelan, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1837), 20200358, 2021
Health data and privacy in the digital era
LO Gostin, SF Halabi, K Wilson
Jama 320 (3), 233-234, 2018
Efficient Contracting between Foreign Investors and Host States: Evidence from Stabilized Clauses
SF Halabi
Nw. J. Int'l L. & Bus. 31, 261, 2011
No-fault compensation for vaccine injury—the other side of equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines
S Halabi, A Heinrich, SB Omer
New England Journal of Medicine 383 (23), e125, 2020
An international agreement on pandemic prevention and preparedness
LO Gostin, SF Halabi, KA Klock
JAMA 326 (13), 1257-1258, 2021
The drug repurposing ecosystem: intellectual property incentives, market exclusivity, and the future of new medicines
SF Halabi
Yale JL & Tech. 20, 1, 2018
The International Health Regulations (2005), the threat of populism and the COVID-19 pandemic
K Wilson, S Halabi, LO Gostin
Globalization and Health 16, 1-4, 2020
The World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: An Analysis of Guidelines Adopted by the Conference of the Parties
SF Halabi
Ga. J. Int'l & Comp. L. 39, 121, 2010
Participation and the right to health: lessons from Indonesia
SF Halabi
Health & Hum. Rts. 11, 49, 2009
A global vaccine injury compensation system
SF Halabi, SB Omer
JAMA 317 (5), 471-472, 2017
A pandemic treaty, revised international health regulations, or both?
R Labonté, M Wiktorowicz, C Packer, A Ruckert, K Wilson, S Halabi
Globalization and Health 17, 1-4, 2021
The Codex Alimentarius commission, corporate influence, and international trade: A perspective on FDA's global role
SF Halabi
American Journal of Law & Medicine 41 (2-3), 406-421, 2015
Traditions of Belligerent Recognition: The Libyan Intervention in Historical and Theoretical Context
SF Halabi
Am. U. Int'l L. Rev. 27, 321, 2012
Assessing the relative influence and efficacy of public and private food safety regulation regimes: Comparing codex and GlobalG. AP standards
SF Halabi, CF Lin
Food & Drug LJ 72, 262, 2017
Veil-Piercing's Procedure
SF Halabi
Rutgers UL Rev. 67, 1001, 2015
International trademark protection and global public health: a just-compensation regime for expropriations and regulatory takings
SF Halabi
Cath. UL Rev. 61, 325, 2011
The Comity of Empagran: The Supreme Court Decides that Foreign Competition Regulation Limits American Antitrust Jurisdiction Over International Cartels
SF Halabi
Harv. Int'l LJ 46, 279, 2005
International Intellectual Property Shelters
SF Halabi
Tul. L. Rev. 90, 903, 2015
The International Health Regulations (2005) and the re-establishment of international travel amidst the COVID-19 pandemic
BJ von Tigerstrom, SF Halabi, KR Wilson
Journal of Travel Medicine 27 (8), taaa127, 2020
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