J. Brock Smith
J. Brock Smith
Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, University of Victoria
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Cited by
The effects of organizational differences and trust on the effectiveness of selling partner relationships
JB Smith, DW Barclay
Journal of marketing 61 (1), 3-21, 1997
Customer value creation: a practical framework
JB Smith, M Colgate
Journal of marketing Theory and Practice 15 (1), 7-23, 2007
Toward a theory of entrepreneurial cognition: Rethinking the people side of entrepreneurship research
RK Mitchell, L Busenitz, T Lant, PP McDougall, EA Morse, JB Smith
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 27 (2), 93-104, 2002
The central question in entrepreneurial cognition research 2007
RK Mitchell, LW Busenitz, B Bird, C Marie Gaglio, JS McMullen, EA Morse, ...
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 31 (1), 1-27, 2007
Buyer–seller relationships: similarity, relationship management, and quality
JB Smith
Psychology & Marketing 15 (1), 3-21, 1998
Are entrepreneurial cognitions universal? Assessing entrepreneurial cognitions across cultures
RK Mitchell, JB Smith, EA Morse, KW Seawright, AM Peredo, B McKenzie
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 26 (4), 9-32, 2002
Buyer‐seller relationships: bonds, relationship management, and sex‐type
B Smith
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 1998
Toward a sustainable conceptualization of dependent variables in entrepreneurship research
B Cohen, B Smith, R Mitchell
Business Strategy and the Environment 17 (2), 107-119, 2008
Embracing digital networks: Entrepreneurs' social capital online
C Smith, JB Smith, E Shaw
Journal of Business Venturing 32 (1), 18-34, 2017
The distinctive and inclusive domain of entrepreneurial cognition research
RK Mitchell, L Busenitz, T Lant, PP McDougall, EA Morse, JB Smith
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 28 (6), 505-518, 2004
Inside opportunity formation: Enterprise failure, cognition, and the creation of opportunities
RK Mitchell, JR Mitchell, JB Smith
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 2 (3), 225-242, 2008
Uncertainty orientation: Expalaining diffeerences in purchase involvement and external search
JB Smith, JM Bristor
Psychology & Marketing 11 (6), 587-607, 1994
Entrepreneurial scripts and the new transaction commitment mindset: Extending the expert information processing theory approach to entrepreneurial cognition research
JB Smith, JR Mitchell, RK Mitchell
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 33 (4), 815-844, 2009
Selling alliances: Issues and insights
JB Smith
Industrial Marketing Management 26 (2), 149-161, 1997
Selling partner relationships: The role of interdependence and relative influence
JB Smith, DW Barclay
The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 21-40, 1999
Team selling effectiveness: a small group perspective
JB Smith, DW Barclay
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 1 (2), 3-32, 1993
Comparative entrepreneurial cognitions and lagging Russian new venture formation: a tale of two countries
KW Seawright, RK Mitchell, JB Smith
Journal of Small Business Management 46 (4), 512-535, 2008
Founders' uses of digital networks for resource acquisition: Extending network theory online
CG Smith, JB Smith
Journal of Business Research 125, 466-482, 2021
Failing to succeed: New venture failure as a moderator of startup experience and startup expertise
R Mitchell, JR Mitchell, JB Smith
Frontiers of entrepreneurship research, 2004
Thinking about thinking about thinking: Exploring how entrepreneurial metacognition affects entrepreneurial expertise
JR Mitchell, JB Smith, V Gustafsson, P Davidsson, RK Mitchell
Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 36, 2005
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Articles 1–20