Katarzyna Falkowicz
Katarzyna Falkowicz
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Experimental and numerical study of the buckling of composite profiles with open cross section under axial compression
P Rozylo, A Teter, H Debski, P Wysmulski, K Falkowicz
Applied Composite Materials 24, 1251-1264, 2017
Numerical and experimental failure analysis of thin-walled composite columns with a top-hat cross section under axial compression
P Rozylo, H Debski, P Wysmulski, K Falkowicz
Composite Structures 204, 207-216, 2018
A study of stability and post-critical behaviour of thin-walled composite profiles under compression
P Wysmulski, H Dębski, P Różyło, K Falkowicz
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność 18 (4), 632-637, 2016
Numerical analysis of compressed plates with a cut-out operating in the geometrically nonlinear range
K Falkowicz, M Ferdynus, H Dębski
Eksploatacja i niezawodność 17 (2), 222-227, 2015
Experimental and numerical failure analysis of thin-walled composite plates using progressive failure analysis
K Falkowicz
Composite Structures 305, 116474, 2023
Experimental study on the effect of eccentric compressive load on the stability and load-carrying capacity of thin-walled composite profiles
H Debski, P Rozylo, P Wysmulski, K Falkowicz, M Ferdynus
Composites Part B: Engineering 226, 109346, 2021
Stability and failure analysis of compressed thin-walled composite structures with central cut-out, using three advanced independent damage models
P Rozylo, K Falkowicz
Composite Structures 273, 114298, 2021
Experimental-numerical failure analysis of thin-walled composite columns using advanced damage models
P Rozylo, K Falkowicz, P Wysmulski, H Debski, J Pasnik, J Kral
Materials 14 (6), 1506, 2021
The behaviour of compressed plate with a central cut-out, made of composite in an asymmetrical arrangement of layers
K Falkowicz, H Dębski, P Wysmulski, P Różyło
Composite Structures 214, 406-413, 2019
Experimental and numerical analysis of stability and failure of compressed composite plates
K Falkowicz, M Ferdynus, P Rozylo
Composite Structures 263, 113657, 2021
Effect of extension-twisting and extension-bending coupling on a compressed plate with a cut-out
K Falkowicz, H Debski, P Wysmulski
Composite Structures 238, 111941, 2020
Fem and experimental analysis of thin-walled composite elements under compression
P Różyło, P Wysmulski, K Falkowicz
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 22 (2), 2017
The influence of load eccentricity on the behavior of thin-walled compressed composite structures
P Wysmulski, H Debski, K Falkowicz, P Rozylo
Composite structures 213, 98-107, 2019
Buckling state analysis of compressed composite plates with cut-out
P Wysmulski, K Falkowicz, P Filipek
Composite Structures 274, 114345, 2021
The post-critical behaviour of compressed plate with non-standard play orientation
K Falkowicz, H Debski
Composite Structures 252, 112701, 2020
Experimental and numerical analysis of the compression thin-walled composite plate
K Falkowicz, P Mazurek, P Różyło, P Wysmulski, W Smagowski
Advances in Science and Technology. Research Journal 10 (31), 177--184, 2016
Stability analysis of thin-walled composite plate in unsymmetrical configuration subjected to axial load
K Falkowicz, H Debski
Thin-Walled Structures 158, 107203, 2021
Design solutions for improving the lowest buckling loads of a thin laminate plate with notch
K Falkowicz, H Debski, A Teter
AIP conference proceedings 1922 (1), 2018
Experimental and numerical analysis of compression thin-walled composite plates weakened by cut-outs
K Falkowicz
Archives of Civil Engineering 63 (4), 2017
Stability analysis of laminate profiles under eccentric load
P Wysmulski, H Debski, K Falkowicz
Composite Structures 238, 111944, 2020
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Articles 1–20