Dr. Amrita Das
Dr. Amrita Das
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
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Cited by
Analysis on different types of imperfect interfaces between two dissimilar piezothermoelastic half-spaces on reflection and refraction phenomenon of plane waves
S Guha, AK Singh, A Das
Waves in Random and Complex Media 31 (4), 660-689, 2021
Influence of corrugated boundary surfaces, reinforcement, hydrostatic stress, heterogeneity and anisotropy on Love-type wave propagation
AK Singh, A Das, S Kumar, A Chattopadhyay
Meccanica 50 (12), 2977-2994, 2015
Effect of interfacial imperfections on SH-wave propagation in a porous piezoelectric composite
S Rakshit, KC Mistri, A Das, A Lakshman
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-18, 2021
Green's function approach to study the propagation of SH‐wave in piezoelectric layer influenced by a point source
AK Singh, A Das, KC Mistri, A Chattopadhyay
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 40 (13), 4771-4784, 2017
Dispersion of shear wave propagating in vertically heterogeneous double layers overlying an initially stressed isotropic half-space
AK Singh, A Das, A Chattopadhyay, S Dhua
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 69, 16-27, 2015
Reflection and refraction of plane waves at the loosely bonded common interface of piezoelectric fibre-reinforced and fibre-reinforced composite media
A Das, AK Singh, PP Patel, KC Mistri, A Chattopadhyay
Ultrasonics 94, 131-144, 2019
Propagation of SH-wave in a corrugated viscous sandy layer sandwiched between two elastic half-spaces
AK Singh, KC Mistri, A Das
Waves in Random and Complex Media 27 (2), 213-240, 2017
Propagation of Love-type wave in a corrugated fibre-reinforced layer
AK Singh, KC Mistri, A Das
Journal of Mechanics 32 (6), 693-708, 2016
On point source influencing Love-type wave propagation in a functionally graded piezoelectric composite structure: A Green’s function approach
AK Singh, A Das, A Ray, A Chattopadhyay
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1045389X18754351, 2018
Influence of loosely-bonded sandwiched initially stressed visco-elastic layer on torsional wave propagation
AK Singh, Z Parween, A Das, A Chattopadhyay
Journal of Mechanics 33 (3), 351-368, 2017
Influence of initial stress, irregularity and heterogeneity on Love-type wave propagation in double pre-stressed irregular layers lying over a pre-stressed half-space
AK Singh, A Das, Z Parween, A Chattopadhyay
Journal of Earth System Science 124 (7), 1457-1474, 2015
Stress analysis on the irregular surface of visco-porous piezoelectric half-space subjected to a moving load
S Rakshit, KC Mistri, A Das, A Lakshman
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 33 (10), 1244-1270, 2022
Effect of Corrugation and Reinforcement on the Dispersion of SH-wave Propagation in Corrugated Poroelastic Layer Lying over a Fibre-reinforced Half-space
AK Singh, A Das, A Lakshman, A Chattopadhyay
Acta Geophysica 64 (5), 1340-1369, 2016
Influence of magnetic effect, anisotropy, irregularity, initial stress and heterogeneity on propagation of SH-wave in an irregular pre-stressed magnetoelastic monoclinic …
AK Singh, A Das, A Chattopadhyay, S Dhua
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10 (13), 284, 2017
Rayleigh-type wave propagation through liquid layer over corrugated substrate
AK Singh, A Das, A Ray
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 38 (6), 851-866, 2017
Complex fluid loading on Love type wave propagation in a layered porous-piezoelectric structure using direct Sturm–Liouville method
S Rakshit, A Das, KC Mistri, A Lakshman
Archive of Applied Mechanics 93 (5), 1985-2007, 2023
Effects of irregularity and initial stresses on the dynamic response of viscoelastic half-space due to a moving load
AK Singh, A Das, A Lakshman, A Negi, A Chattopadhyay
Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 30 (3), 306-317, 2017
Effect of corrugation on the dispersion of Love-type wave in a layer with monoclinic symmetry, overlying an initially stressed transversely isotropic half-space
AK Singh, A Das, KC Mistri, S Nimishe, S Koley
Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures 13 (2), 308-325, 2017
SH‐waves in a complex fluid composite structure with spring membrane imperfect interfaces
S Kundu, A Das, KC Mistri
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2024
Influence of Corrugation and Loosely Bonded Interface on the Propagation of Torsional Wave Propagation in a Viscoelastic Layer
A Das, AK Singh
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal …, 2017
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Articles 1–20