Ying Lu
Cited by
Cited by
Microstructure evolution of sub-critical annealed laser deposited Ti–6Al–4V alloy
Y Lu, HB Tang, YL Fang, D Liu, HM Wang
Materials & Design 37, 56-63, 2012
Subcritical heat affected zone softening in hot-stamped boron steel during resistance spot welding
Y Lu, A Peer, T Abke, M Kimchi, W Zhang
Materials & Design 155, 170-184, 2018
Influence of continuous grain boundary α on ductility of laser melting deposited titanium alloys
C Liu, Y Lu, X Tian, D Liu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 661, 145-151, 2016
Dissimilar metal joining of aluminum to steel by ultrasonic plus resistance spot welding-microstructure and mechanical properties
Y Lu, E Mayton, H Song, M Kimchi, W Zhang
Materials & Design 165, 107585, 2019
In-situ measurement of relative motion during ultrasonic spot welding of aluminum alloy using Photonic Doppler Velocimetry
Y Lu, H Song, GA Taber, DR Foster, GS Daehn, W Zhang
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 231, 431-440, 2016
Dissimilar metal joining of aluminium to zinc-coated steel by ultrasonic plus resistance spot welding–microstructure and mechanical properties
Y Lu, D Sage, C Fink, W Zhang
Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2020
Microstructure and Strength of Ultrasonic Plus Resistance Spot Welded Aluminum Alloy to Coated Press Hardened Boron Steel
Y Lu, L Walker, M Kimchi, W Zhang
Metallurgical and Materials Transaction A 51, 93-98, 2020
Peculiar roles of nickel diffusion in intermetallic compound formation at the dissimilar metal interface of magnesium to steel spot welds
L Walker, C Fink, C Hilla, Y Lu, W Zhang
Materials & Design 230, 111980, 2023
Optimizing ultrasonic plus resistance spot welding for dissimilar metal joining
Y Lu, K Zhang, J Tran, E Mayton, M Kimchi, W Zhang
Welding Journal 98 (9), 2019
HAZ softening of resistance spot welded 3T dissimilar steel stack-up
Y Lu, A Peer, T Abke, M Kimchi, W Zhang
Welding Journal 98, 328-s - 336-s, 2019
Resistance and Ultrasonic Spot Welding of Light-Weight Metals
Y Lu
The Ohio State University, 2018
Heat-Affected Zone Microstructure and Local Constitutive Behaviors of Resistance Spot Welded Hot-Stamped Steel
Y Lu, A Peer, T Abke, M Kimchi, W Zhang
Sheet Metal Welding Conference XVII, 2A-7, 2016
Deformation Behaviors of Subcritical Heat-affected Zone of Ultra-high Strength Steel Resistance Spot Welds
A Peer, Y Lu, T Abke, M Kimchi, W Zhang
9th International Seminar & Conference on Advances in Resistance Spot Welding, 2016
Welding methods including formation of an intermediate joint using a solid state welding process
W Zhang, Y Lu, E Mayton, M Kimchi
US Patent App. 16/006,903, 2018
Heat affected zone softening of resistance spot welded 3T stackups of AHSS
Y Lu, A Peer, T Abke, M Kimchi, W Zhang
Sheet Metal Welding Conference XVIII, 2A-1, 1-12, 2018
Microstructure and forming mechanism of a laser melting deposited TC 4 titanium alloy after sub-critical annealing
Y Lu, HB Tang, HM Wang
Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment 33 (11), 58-62, 2012
Welding methods for joining light metal and high-strength steel using solid state and resistance spot welding processes
W Zhang, Y Lu, L Walker, M Kimchi
US Patent App. 16/508,669, 2019
Welding methods for joining light metal and high-strength steel using solid state and resistance spot welding processes
W Zhang, Y Lu, L Walker, M Kimchi
US Patent App. 18/597,335, 2024
Effect of insert material on microstructure and strength of aluminum alloy to zinc-coated steel dissimilar metal weld
L Walker, Y Lu, C Hilla, W Zhang, B Ou, S Hunter
MSEC, 2020
Process optimization for dissimilar metal joining of aluminum to steel by ultrasonic plus resistance spot welding
Y Lu, J Tran, E Mayton, M Kimchi, W Zhang
Sheet Metal Welding Conference XVIII, 2B-5, 2018
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Articles 1–20