Andy Way
Andy Way
ADAPT Centre, Dublin City University
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Cited by
Is neural machine translation the new state of the art?
S Castilho, J Moorkens, F Gaspari, I Calixto, J Tinsley, A Way
The Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 2017
Getting gender right in neural machine translation
E Vanmassenhove, C Hardmeier, A Way
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.05088, 2019
Attaining the unattainable? reassessing claims of human parity in neural machine translation
A Toral, S Castilho, K Hu, A Way
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.10432, 2018
Exploiting cross-sentence context for neural machine translation
L Wang, Z Tu, A Way, Q Liu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.04347, 2017
Quality expectations of machine translation
A Way
Translation quality assessment: From principles to practice, 159-178, 2018
What level of quality can neural machine translation attain on literary text?
A Toral, A Way
Translation quality assessment: From principles to practice, 263-287, 2018
Post-editing effort of a novel with statistical and neural machine translation
A Toral, M Wieling, A Way
Frontiers in Digital Humanities 5, 9, 2018
Translators’ perceptions of literary post-editing using statistical and neural machine translation
J Moorkens, A Toral, S Castilho, A Way
Translation Spaces 7 (2), 240-262, 2018
Long-distance dependency resolution in automatically acquired wide-coverage PCFG-based LFG approximations
A Cahill, M Burke, R O’Donovan, J Van Genabith, A Way
Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2004
Lost in translation: Loss and decay of linguistic richness in machine translation
E Vanmassenhove, D Shterionov, A Way
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.12068, 2019
Adaptive machine translation with large language models
Y Moslem, R Haque, JD Kelleher, A Way
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.13294, 2023
A comparative quality evaluation of PBSMT and NMT using professional translators
S Castilho, J Moorkens, F Gaspari, R Sennrich, V Sosoni, ...
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XVI: Research Track, 116-131, 2017
Statistical machine translation: a guide for linguists and translators
M Hearne, A Way
Language and Linguistics Compass 5 (5), 205-226, 2011
Machine-assisted translation of literary text: A case study
A Toral, A Way
Translation Spaces 4 (2), 240-267, 2015
An example-based approach to translating sign language
S Morrissey, A Way
Workshop on example-based machine translation, 109-116, 2005
Recent advances in example-based machine translation
M Carl, A Way
Springer Science & Business Media, 2003
Bridging SMT and TM with translation recommendation
Y He, Y Ma, J van Genabith, A Way
Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2010
Human versus automatic quality evaluation of NMT and PBSMT
D Shterionov, R Superbo, P Nagle, L Casanellas, T O’dowd, A Way
Machine Translation 32 (3), 217-235, 2018
Supertagged phrase-based statistical machine translation
HH Awadalla, K Sima’an, A Way
Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational …, 2007
Machine translation
A Way
The handbook of computational linguistics and natural language processing …, 2010
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Articles 1–20