Barbara Borzi
Barbara Borzi
EUCENTRE - Head of Risk Scenario Department
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Cited by
Simplified pushover-based vulnerability analysis for large-scale assessment of RC buildings
B Borzi, R Pinho, H Crowley
Engineering structures 30 (3), 804-820, 2008
Seismic risk assessment of residential buildings in Italy
M Dolce, A Prota, B Borzi, F da Porto, S Lagomarsino, G Magenes, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19 (8), 2999-3032, 2021
Refined force reduction factors for seismic design
B Borzi, AS Elnashai
Engineering structures 22 (10), 1244-1260, 2000
Simplified pushover-based earthquake loss assessment (SP-BELA) method for masonry buildings
B Borzi, H Crowley, R Pinho
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 2 (4), 353-376, 2008
Inelastic spectra for displacement-based seismic design
B Borzi, GM Calvi, AS Elnashai, E Faccioli, JJ Bommer
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 21 (1), 47-61, 2001
Deriving vulnerability curves using Italian earthquake damage data
M Colombi, B Borzi, H Crowley, M Onida, F Meroni, R Pinho
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 6 (3), 485-504, 2008
Observed damage database of past Italian earthquakes: the Da. DO WebGIS.
M Dolce, E Speranza, F Giordano, B Borzi, F Bocchi, C Conte, A Di Meo, ...
Bollettino di Geofisica Teorica ed Applicata 60 (2), 2019
Seismic vulnerability of the Italian roadway bridge stock
B Borzi, P Ceresa, P Franchin, F Noto, GM Calvi, PE Pinto
Earthquake Spectra 31 (4), 2137-2161, 2015
Deformation-based vulnerability functions for RC bridges
AS Elnashai, B Borzi, S Vlachos
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 17 (2), 215-244, 2004
A study on damage scenarios for residential buildings in Catania city
E Faccioli, V Pessina, GM Calvi, B Borzi
Journal of seismology 3 (3), 327-343, 1999
A comparison of seismic risk maps for Italy
H Crowley, M Colombi, B Borzi, M Faravelli, M Onida, M Lopez, D Polli, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 7 (1), 149-180, 2009
Comparative analysis of the fragility curves for Italian residential masonry and RC buildings
F da Porto, M Donà, A Rosti, M Rota, S Lagomarsino, S Cattari, B Borzi, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19 (8), 3209-3252, 2021
IRMA platform for the calculation of damages and risks of Italian residential buildings
B Borzi, M Onida, M Faravelli, D Polli, M Pagano, D Quaroni, A Cantoni, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19 (8), 3033-3055, 2021
Application of the SP-BELA methodology to RC residential buildings in Italy to produce seismic risk maps for the national risk assessment
B Borzi, M Faravelli, A Di Meo
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 19 (8), 3185-3208, 2021
Comparison of Two Mechanics-Based Methods for Simplified Structural Analysis in Vulnerability Assessment.
H Crowley, B Borzi, R Pinho, M Colombi, M Onida
Advances in civil Engineering, 2008
The influence of infill panels on vulnerability curves for RC buildings
B Borzi, H Crowley, R Pinho
Proceedings of the 14th world conference on earthquake engineering, Beijing …, 2008
Simplified pushover-based vulnerability analysis of traditional Italian RC precast structures
D Bolognini, B Borzi, R Pinho
Proceedings of the 14th world conference on earthquake engineering, Beijing …, 2008
Da. DO–A web-based tool for analyzing and comparing post-earthquake damage databaserelevant to national seismic events since 1976
M Dolce, E Speranza, F Giordano, B Borzi, F Bocchi
Da. DO–A web-based tool for analyzing and comparing post-earthquake damage …, 2017
Seismic risk assessment of Italian school buildings
B Borzi, P Ceresa, M Faravelli, E Fiorini, M Onida
Computational methods in earthquake engineering, 317-344, 2013
Vulnerability study on a large industrial area using satellite remotely sensed images
B Borzi, F Dell’Acqua, M Faravelli, P Gamba, G Lisini, M Onida, D Polli
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 9 (2), 675-690, 2011
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Articles 1–20