Carl DiSalvo (he / him)
Carl DiSalvo (he / him)
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Cited by
Adversarial design
C DiSalvo
Mit Press, 2015
Mapping the landscape of sustainable HCI
C DiSalvo, P Sengers, H Brynjarsdóttir
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2010
Service robots in the domestic environment: a study of the roomba vacuum in the home
J Forlizzi, C DiSalvo
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCHI/SIGART conference on Human-robot …, 2006
All Robots Are Not Created Equal: The Design and Perception of Humanoid Robot Heads
C DiSalvo
Human Computer Interaction Institute and school of Design, Carnegie Mellon …, 2002
Infrastructuring and the formation of publics in participatory design
CAL Dantec, C DiSalvo
Social Studies of Science 43 (2), 241-264, 2013
Sustainably unpersuaded: how persuasion narrows our vision of sustainability
H Brynjarsdottir, M Håkansson, J Pierce, E Baumer, C DiSalvo, P Sengers
Proceedings of the sigchi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2012
Design and the Construction of Publics
C DiSalvo
Design issues 25 (1), 48-63, 2009
Assistive robotics and an ecology of elders living independently in their homes
J Forlizzi, C DiSalvo, F Gemperle
Human–Computer Interaction 19 (1-2), 25-59, 2004
Communities: Participatory Design for, with and by communities
C DiSalvo, A Clement, V Pipek
Routledge international handbook of participatory design, 182-209, 2012
From seduction to fulfillment: the use of anthropomorphic form in design
C DiSalvo, F Gemperle
Proceedings of the 2003 international conference on Designing pleasurable …, 2003
Making public things: how HCI design can express matters of concern
C DiSalvo, J Lukens, T Lodato, T Jenkins, T Kim
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human factors in Computing Systems …, 2014
The hug: an exploration of robotic form for intimate communication
C DiSalvo, F Gemperle, J Forlizzi, E Montgomery
The 12th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2003
Design, democracy and agonistic pluralism
C DiSalvo
Participatory design for learning
B DiSalvo, J Yip, E Bonsignore, DS Carl
Participatory design for learning, 3-6, 2017
Expanding and refining design and criticality in HCI
J Pierce, P Sengers, T Hirsch, T Jenkins, W Gaver, C DiSalvo
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
The Neighborhood Networks project: a case study of critical engagement and creative expression through participatory design
C DiSalvo, I Nourbakhsh, D Holstius, A Akin, M Louw
Proceedings of the tenth anniversary conference on participatory design 2008 …, 2008
Issue-oriented hackathons as material participation
TJ Lodato, C DiSalvo
New Media & Society 18 (4), 539-557, 2016
Nonanthropocentrism and the nonhuman in design: possibilities for designing new forms of engagement with and through technology
C DiSalvo, J Lukens
Data, design and civics: An exploratory study of civic tech
K Boehner, C DiSalvo
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2016
FCJ-142 Spectacles and tropes: Speculative design and contemporary food cultures
C DiSalvo
Why Food Matters: Critical Debates in Food Studies 325, 2021
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Articles 1–20