Der-Chen Chang
Der-Chen Chang
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Hp theory on a smooth domain in RN and elliptic boundary value problems
DC Chang, SG Krantz, EM Stein
Journal of functional analysis 114 (2), 286-347, 1993
Geometric mechanics on Riemannian manifolds: applications to partial differential equations
O Calin, DC Chang
Birkhäuser, 2005
Sub-Riemannian geometry: general theory and examples
O Calin, DC Chang
Cambridge University Press, 2009
Estimates for the -Neumann problem in pseudoconvex domains of finite type in C2problem in pseudoconvex domains of finite type in C2
DC Chang, A Nagel, EM Stein
Hardy spaces, BMO, and boundary value problems for the Laplacian on a smooth domain in 𝐑^{𝐍}
DC Chang, G Dafni, E Stein
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 351 (4), 1605-1661, 1999
Heat kernels for elliptic and sub-elliptic operators
O Calin, DC Chang, K Furutani, C Iwasaki
Birkhäuser Boston, 2010
Geometric analysis on the Heisenberg group and its generalizations
O Calin, DC Chang, P Greiner
American Mathematical Soc., 2008
On some integral operators on the unit polydisk and the unit ball
DC Chang, S Li, S Stević
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 11 (5), 1251-1285, 2007
Pharmacological role of functionalized gold nanoparticles in disease applications
WC Ko, SJ Wang, CY Hsiao, CT Hung, YJ Hsu, DC Chang, CF Hung
Molecules 27 (5), 1551, 2022
Littlewood-Paley Characterizations of Hardy-Type Spaces Associated with Ball Quasi-Banach Function Spaces: In Memory of Professor Carlos Berenstein
DC Chang, S Wang, D Yang, Y Zhang
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 14 (3), 40, 2020
The dual of Hardy spaces on a bounded domain in ℝn
DC Chang
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 6 (Jahresband), 65-82, 1994
Chrysin alleviates imiquimod-induced psoriasis-like skin inflammation and reduces the release of CCL20 and antimicrobial peptides
HJ Li, NL Wu, CM Pu, CY Hsiao, DC Chang, CF Hung
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 2932, 2020
A note on weighted Bergman spaces and the Cesaro operator
G Benke, DC Chang
Nagoya Mathematical Journal 159, 25-43, 2000
Effect of neferine on DNCB-induced atopic dermatitis in HaCaT cells and BALB/c mice
CC Yang, YL Hung, WC Ko, YJ Tsai, JF Chang, CW Liang, DC Chang, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 22 (15), 8237, 2021
Injectivity of the Pompeiu transform in the Heisenberg group
M Agranovsky, C Berenstein, DC Chang, D Pascuas
Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 63 (1), 131-173, 1994
The generalized Cesaro operator on the unit polydisk
DC Chang, S Stevi
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 7 (2), 293-308, 2003
Weighted scale estimates for Calderón-Zygmund type operators
DC Chang, JF Li, J Xiao
Contemporary Mathematics 445, 61-70, 2007
Estimates of an integral operator on function spaces
DC Chang, S Stevi
Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 7 (3), 423-432, 2003
Geometric analysis on quaternion ℍ-type groups
DC Chang, I Markina
The Journal of Geometric Analysis 16, 265-294, 2006
Sub-Lorentzian geometry on anti-de Sitter space
DC Chang, I Markina, A Vasil'ev
Journal de mathématiques pures et appliquées 90 (1), 82-110, 2008
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Articles 1–20