Pham Hong Cong
Pham Hong Cong
Centre for Informatics and Computing (CIC), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
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Nonlinear thermomechanical buckling and post-buckling response of porous FGM plates using Reddy's HSDT
PH Cong, TM Chien, ND Khoa, ND Duc
Aerospace Science and Technology 77, 419-428, 2018
Dynamic response and vibration of composite double curved shallow shells with negative Poisson's ratio in auxetic honeycombs core layer on elastic foundations subjected to …
ND Duc, K Seung-Eock, PH Cong, NT Anh, ND Khoa
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 133, 504-512, 2017
Thermal and mechanical stability of functionally graded carbon nanotubes (FG CNT)-reinforced composite truncated conical shells surrounded by the elastic foundations
ND Duc, PH Cong, ND Tuan, P Tran, N Van Thanh
Thin-Walled Structures 115, 300-310, 2017
New approach to investigate nonlinear dynamic response of sandwich auxetic double curves shallow shells using TSDT
PH Cong, ND Khanh, ND Khoa, ND Duc
Composite Structures 185, 455-465, 2018
Geometrically nonlinear dynamic response of eccentrically stiffened circular cylindrical shells with negative poisson's ratio in auxetic honeycombs core layer
PH Cong, PT Long, N Van Nhat, ND Duc
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 152, 443-453, 2019
New approach to investigate the nonlinear dynamic response and vibration of a functionally graded multilayer graphene nanocomposite plate on a viscoelastic Pasternak medium in …
PH Cong, ND Duc
Acta Mechanica 229 (9), 3651-3670, 2018
Nonlinear dynamic and vibration analysis of piezoelectric eccentrically stiffened FGM plates in thermal environment
ND Duc, PH Cong, VD Quang
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 115, 711-722, 2016
Nonlinear thermal dynamic response of shear deformable FGM plates on elastic foundations
ND Duc, DH Bich, PH Cong
Journal of Thermal Stresses 39 (3), 278-297, 2016
Mechanical and thermal stability of eccentrically stiffened functionally graded conical shell panels resting on elastic foundations and in thermal environment
ND Duc, PH Cong, VM Anh, VD Quang, P Tran, ND Tuan, NH Thinh
Composite Structures 132, 597-609, 2015
Nonlinear postbuckling of symmetric S-FGM plates resting on elastic foundations using higher order shear deformation plate theory in thermal environments
ND Duc, PH Cong
Composite Structures 100, 566-574, 2013
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of porous eccentrically stiffened double curved shallow auxetic shells in thermal environments
PH Cong, ND Duc
Thin-Walled Structures 163, 107748, 2021
Nonlinear thermo-mechanical dynamic analysis and vibration of higher order shear deformable piezoelectric functionally graded material sandwich plates resting on elastic …
N Dinh Duc, P Hong Cong
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 20 (2), 191-218, 2018
Vibration and static buckling behavior of variable thickness flexoelectric nanoplates
DH Duc, DV Thom, PH Cong, PV Minh, NX Nguyen
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 51 (12), 7102-7130, 2023
Finite element modeling of the bending and vibration behavior of three-layer composite plates with a crack in the core layer
NC Tho, PH Cong, AM Zenkour, DH Doan, P Van Minh
Composite Structures 305, 116529, 2023
Nonlinear postbuckling of an eccentrically stiffened thin FGM plate resting on elastic foundations in thermal environments
ND Duc, PH Cong
Thin-Walled Structures 75, 103-112, 2014
Vibration and nonlinear dynamic response of temperature-dependent FG-CNTRC laminated double curved shallow shell with positive and negative Poisson’s ratio
PH Cong, VD Trung, ND Khoa, ND Duc
Thin-Walled Structures 171, 108713, 2022
Nonlinear thermal stability of eccentrically stiffened functionally graded truncated conical shells surrounded on elastic foundations
ND Duc, PH Cong
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 50, 120-131, 2015
Nonlinear axisymmetric response of FGM shallow spherical shells on elastic foundations under uniform external pressure and temperature
ND Duc, VTT Anh, PH Cong
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 45, 80-89, 2014
Nonlinear vibration and dynamic response of imperfect eccentrically stiffened shear deformable sandwich plate with functionally graded material in thermal environment
ND Duc, PH Cong, ND Tuan, P Tran, VM Anh, VD Quang
Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 18 (4), 445-473, 2016
Nonlinear vibration of thick FGM plates on elastic foundation subjected to thermal and mechanical loads using the first-order shear deformation plate theory
N Dinh Duc, P Hong Cong
Cogent engineering 2 (1), 1045222, 2015
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Articles 1–20