Stefan Funke
Stefan Funke
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Fast routing in road networks with transit nodes
H Bast, S Funke, P Sanders, D Schultes
Science 316 (5824), 566-566, 2007
In transit to constant time shortest-path queries in road networks
H Bast, S Funke, D Matijevic, P Sanders, D Schultes
2007 Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and …, 2007
Topological hole detection in wireless sensor networks and its applications
S Funke
Proceedings of the 2005 joint workshop on Foundations of mobile computing, 44-53, 2005
A simple improved distributed algorithm for minimum CDS in unit disk graphs
S Funke, A Kesselman, U Meyer, M Segal
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 2 (3), 444-453, 2006
Optimal route planning for electric vehicles in large networks
J Eisner, S Funke, S Storandt
Proceedings of the aaai conference on artificial intelligence 25 (1), 1108-1113, 2011
Hole detection or: " how much geometry hides in connectivity?"
S Funke, C Klein
Proceedings of the twenty-second annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 2006
Transit ultrafast shortest-path queries with linear-time preprocessing
H Bast, S Funke, D Matijevic
9th DIMACS Implementation Challenge [1], 19, 2006
Smooth-surface reconstruction in near-linear time.
S Funke, EA Ramos
SODA 2, 781-790, 2002
Ultrafast Shortest-Path Queries via Transit Nodes.
H Bast, S Funke, D Matijevic
The Shortest Path Problem 74, 175-192, 2006
A separation bound for real algebraic expressions
C Burnikel, S Funke, K Mehlhorn, S Schirra, S Schmitt
Algorithms—ESA 2001: 9th Annual European Symposium Århus, Denmark, August …, 2001
Improved approximation algorithms for connected sensor cover
S Funke, A Kesselman, F Kuhn, Z Lotker, M Segal
Wireless networks 13, 153-164, 2007
Certifying and repairing solutions to large lps how good are lp-solvers?
M Dhiflaoui, S Funke, C Kwappik, K Mehlhorn, M Seel, E Schomer, ...
SODA 3, 255-256, 2003
Visualizing gene expression data via Voronoi treemaps
J Bernhardt, S Funke, M Hecker, J Siebourg
2009 sixth international symposium on Voronoi diagrams, 233-241, 2009
Curve reconstruction from noisy samples
SW Cheng, S Funke, M Golin, P Kumar, SH Poon, E Ramos
Proceedings of the nineteenth annual symposium on Computational geometry …, 2003
Network sketching or: " How Much Geometry Hides in Connectivity?--Part II"
S Funke, N Milosavljevic
Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete …, 2007
Approximating k-hop minimum-spanning trees
E Althaus, S Funke, S Har-Peled, J Könemann, EA Ramos, M Skutella
Operations Research Letters 33 (2), 115-120, 2005
Distance-sensitive information brokerage in sensor networks
S Funke, LJ Guibas, A Nguyen, Y Wang
Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems: Second IEEE International …, 2006
Controlled perturbation for Delaunay triangulations.
S Funke, C Klein, K Mehlhorn, S Schmitt
SODA 5, 1047-1056, 2005
Cruising with a battery-powered vehicle and not getting stranded
S Storandt, S Funke
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 26 (1), 1628-1634, 2012
On k-path covers and their applications
S Funke, A Nusser, S Storandt
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (10), 893-902, 2014
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Articles 1–20