Xiaobin Rui
Cited by
Cited by
Tracking the evolution of overlapping communities in dynamic social networks
Z Wang, Z Li, G Yuan, Y Sun, X Rui, X Xiang
Knowledge-Based Systems 157, 81-97, 2018
SPIR: The potential spreaders involved SIR model for information diffusion in social networks
X Rui, F Meng, Z Wang, G Yuan, C Du
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 506, 254-269, 2018
A reversed node ranking approach for influence maximization in social networks
X Rui, F Meng, Z Wang, G Yuan
Applied Intelligence 49, 2684-2698, 2019
Attention-based graph neural networks: a survey
C Sun, C Li, X Lin, T Zheng, F Meng, X Rui, Z Wang
Artificial Intelligence Review 56 (Suppl 2), 2263-2310, 2023
Rumour detection based on graph convolutional neural net
N Bai, F Meng, X Rui, Z Wang
IEEE Access 9, 21686-21693, 2021
Superspreaders and superblockers based community evolution tracking in dynamic social networks
Z Xu, X Rui, J He, Z Wang, T Hadzibeganovic
Knowledge-Based Systems 192, 105377, 2020
Coupled node similarity learning for community detection in attributed networks
F Meng, X Rui, Z Wang, Y Xing, L Cao
Entropy 20 (6), 471, 2018
A neighbour scale fixed approach for influence maximization in social networks
X Rui, X Yang, J Fan, Z Wang
Computing 102, 427-449, 2020
Localization of multiple diffusion sources based on overlapping community detection
Z Wang, C Sun, X Rui, SY Philip, L Sun
Knowledge-Based Systems 226, 106613, 2021
A weighted symmetric graph embedding approach for link prediction in undirected graphs
Z Wang, Y Chai, C Sun, X Rui, H Mi, X Zhang, SY Philip
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 54 (2), 1037-1047, 2022
Rumor detection based on a source-replies conversation tree convolutional neural net
N Bai, F Meng, X Rui, Z Wang
Computing, 1-17, 2022
Endemic information-contagion outbreaks in complex networks with potential spreaders based recurrent-state transmission dynamics
Z Wang, X Rui, G Yuan, J Cui, T Hadzibeganovic
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 573, 125907, 2021
A multi-task attention tree neural net for stance classification and rumor veracity detection
N Bai, F Meng, X Rui, Z Wang
Applied Intelligence 53 (9), 10715-10725, 2023
A neighborhood link sensitive dismantling method for social networks
Z Wang, C Sun, G Yuan, X Rui, X Yang
Journal of Computational Science 43, 101129, 2020
A Multimodel‐Based Deep Learning Framework for Short Text Multiclass Classification with the Imbalanced and Extremely Small Data Set
J Tong, Z Wang, X Rui
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2022 (1), 7183207, 2022
Influence maximization in social networks based on discrete harris hawks optimization algorithm
C Fan, Z Wang, J Zhang, J Zhao, X Rui
Computing 106 (2), 327-351, 2024
Scalable fair influence maximization
X Rui, Z Wang, J Zhao, L Sun, W Chen
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
Triadic Closure Sensitive Influence Maximization
J Yang, Z Wang, X Rui, Y Chai, PS Yu, L Sun
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 17 (6), 1-26, 2023
LGAT: a light graph attention network focusing on message passing for semi-supervised node classification
C Sun, F Meng, C Li, X Rui, Z Wang
Computing, 1-19, 2024
Fair Re-Ranking Recommendation Based on Debiased Multi-graph Representations
F Han, S Wang, J Zhao, R Wu, X Rui, Z Wang
International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications, 168-182, 2023
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Articles 1–20