Dr. Sourajit Behera
Dr. Sourajit Behera
Ph.D.(IIT Patna), Assistant Professor, CSE, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, India
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Cited by
Multiscale deep bidirectional gated recurrent neural networks based prognostic method for complex non-linear degradation systems
S Behera, R Misra, A Sillitti
Information Sciences 554, 120-144, 2021
Generative adversarial networks based remaining useful life estimation for IIoT
S Behera, R Misra
Computers & Electrical Engineering 92, 107195, 2021
Ensemble trees learning based improved predictive maintenance using IIoT for turbofan engines
S Behera, A Choubey, CS Kanani, YS Patel, R Misra, A Sillitti
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP symposium on applied computing, 842-850, 2019
Comparative analysis of density based outlier detection techniques on breast cancer data using hadoop and map reduce
S Behera, R Rani
2016 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT …, 2016
A multi-model data-fusion based deep transfer learning for improved remaining useful life estimation for IIOT based systems
S Behera, R Misra
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 119, 105712, 2023
EnergyTradingRank algorithm for truthful auctions among EVs via blockchain analytics of large scale transaction graphs
A Choubey, S Behera, YS Patel, K Mahidhar, R Misra
2019 11th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks …, 2019
Shallow over deep neural networks: a empirical analysis for human emotion classification using audio data
CS Kanani, KS Gill, S Behera, A Choubey, RK Gupta, R Misra
International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies …, 2020
GAN-based multi-task learning approach for prognostics and health management of IIoT
S Behera, R Misra, A Sillitti
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2023
SmartPeak: Peak shaving and ambient analysis for energy efficiency in electrical smart grid
S Behera, R Misra
Proceedings of the 2018 Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing …, 2018
Vertebro-cerebral cryptococcosis mimicking tuberculosis: a diagnostic dilemma in countries with high burden of tuberculosis
R Gupta, S Kushwaha, S Behera, A Jaiswal, R Thakur
Indian journal of medical microbiology 30 (2), 245, 2012
Smart Homes, Smart Choices: Using Big Data to Boost Energy Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability
A Choubey, S Mishra, S Behera, R Misra, AK Pandey, D Pandey
Electric Power Components and Systems, 1-19, 2024
Design and Performance Evaluation of Density Based Anomaly Detection Clustering Algorithms using Hadoop and Map Reduce
S Behera, RG Rani
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Articles 1–12