Amanda L. Cox
Amanda L. Cox
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Suspended Sediment Concentration Estimation from Landsat Imagery along the Lower Missouri and Middle Mississippi Rivers Using an Extreme Learning Machine
K Peterson, V Sagan, P Sidike, M Cox, Amanda, Martinez
Remote Sensing 10 (1503), 1-17, 2018
Measuring Suspended‐Sediment Concentration and Turbidity in the Middle Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers Using Landsat Data
LSF Pereira, LC Andes, AL Cox, A Ghulam
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 54 (2), 440-450, 2018
Maximum velocity effects from vane-dike installations in channel bends
SM Scurlock, AL Cox, CI Thornton, DC Baird
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2012: Crossing Boundaries …, 2012
Supercritical flow measurement using a large Parshall flume
AL Cox, CI Thornton, SR Abt
Journal of irrigation and drainage engineering 139 (8), 655-662, 2013
Rectilinear inverse distance weighting methodology for bathymetric cross-section interpolation along the Mississippi River
LC Andes, AL Cox
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 22 (7), 04017014, 2017
Verification of a depth-integrated sample arm as a means to reduce solids stratification bias in urban stormwater sampling
WR Selbig, A Cox, RT Bannerman
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14 (4), 1137-1143, 2012
Methodology for predicting maximum velocity and shear stress in a sinuous channel with bendway weirs using 1-D HEC-RAS modeling results
P Sclafani, CI Thornton, AL Cox, SR Abt
Prepared for US Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Albuquerque …, 2012
Stage-discharge rating equation for an elliptical sharp-crested weir
AL Cox, EG Kullberg, KA MacKenzie, CI Thornton
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 140 (6), 04014018, 2014
Effect of urban debris on hydraulic efficiency of an elliptical sharp-crested weir
AL Cox, S Saadat, KA MacKenzie, CI Thornton
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 141 (6), 06014006, 2015
Comparison of a generalized trapezoidal hydraulic model to a native topography patterned bed surface model of the Rio Grande
KG Walker, CI Thornton, SR Abt, AL Cox
Colorado State University: Fort Collins, CO, USA, 2009
Articulated concrete block stability assessment for embankment-overtopping conditions
AL Cox, CI Thornton, SR Abt
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 140 (5), 06014007, 2014
Performance assessment of grate inlets for highway median drainage
BC Comport, AL Cox, C Thornton
Urban Drainage and Flood Control District, Colorado State Univ., CO, 2012
Rock stability testing in overtopping flow- 2012
C Thornton, S Abt, C Clopper, B Scholl, A Cox
Hydraulics Laboratory Technical Rep. 2012-1, Engineering Research Center …, 2012
Bendway weir riprap sizing criteria
SR Abt, S Michael Scurlock, CI Thornton, AL Cox, NJ Holste
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 142 (12), 06016018, 2016
Las Vegas wash sloped rock-weir study
C Thornton, A Cox, M Turner
Rep. prepared for the Southern Nevada Water Authority, Colorado State Univ …, 2008
A study of in-stream rehabilitation structures in sand-bed channels
AL Cox
Colorado State University, 2005
Implications of flume slope on discharge estimates from 0.762-meter H flumes used in edge-of-field monitoring
MJ Komiskey, TD Stuntebeck, AL Cox, DR Frame
Open-File Report, 2013
Calibration and validation of a numerical model forevaluation of transverse in-stream structure research
SM Scurlock, AL Cox, CI Thornton, SR Abt
Denver, CO: Bureau of Reclamation, 2014
Moment stability analysis method for determining safety factors for articulated concrete blocks
AL Cox
Colorado State University, 2010
Transverse instream structure analysis: Maximum and average velocity ratios within the prismatic channel
SM Scurlock, AL Cox, CI Thornton, SR Abt
Colorado State University, Engineering Research Center, 2012
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Articles 1–20