Delphine Nna Mvondo
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Cited by
A possible nitrogen crisis for Archaean life due to reduced nitrogen fixation by lightning
R Navarro-González, CP McKay, DN Mvondo
Nature 412 (6842), 61-64, 2001
TandEM: Titan and Enceladus mission
A Coustenis, SK Atreya, T Balint, RH Brown, MK Dougherty, F Ferri, ...
Experimental Astronomy 23 (3), 893-946, 2009
Functionalization of carbon nanotubes via nitrogen glow discharge
B Khare, P Wilhite, B Tran, E Teixeira, K Fresquez, DN Mvondo, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (49), 23466-23472, 2005
Production of nitrogen oxides by lightning and coronae discharges in simulated early Earth, Venus and Mars environments
DN Mvondo, R Navarro-González, CP McKay, P Coll, F Raulin
Advances in Space Research 27 (2), 217-223, 2001
Structure of Titan’s evaporites
D Cordier, T Cornet, JW Barnes, SM MacKenzie, T Le Bahers, ...
Icarus 270, 41-56, 2016
Titan: Earth-like on the outside, ocean world on the inside
SM MacKenzie, SPD Birch, S Hörst, C Sotin, E Barth, JM Lora, MG Trainer, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (3), 112, 2021
Review komatiites: from Earth’s geological settings to planetary and astrobiological contexts
D Nna-Mvondo, J Martinez-Frias
Earth, moon, and planets 100 (3), 157-179, 2007
Nitrogen fixation by corona discharge on the early Precambrian Earth
D Nna-Mvondo, R Navarro-González, F Raulin, P Coll
Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres 35 (5), 401-409, 2005
Experimental impact shock chemistry on planetary icy satellites
D Nna-Mvondo, B Khare, T Ishihara, CP McKay
Icarus 194 (2), 822-835, 2008
Organic ices in Titan’s stratosphere
CM Anderson, RE Samuelson, D Nna-Mvondo
Space Science Reviews 214 (8), 1-36, 2018
Further progress into the thermal characterization of HCN polymers
L José, M Ruiz-Bermejo, D Nna-Mvondo, RD Minard
Polymer degradation and stability 110, 241-251, 2014
New application of microwave digestion–inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry for multi-element analysis in komatiites
D Nna-Mvondo, MP Martin-Redondo, J Martinez-Frias
Analytica chimica acta 628 (2), 133-142, 2008
Thermal characterization of Titan's tholins by simultaneous TG–MS, DTA, DSC analysis
D Nna-Mvondo, L José, M Ruiz-Bermejo, B Khare, CP McKay
Planetary and Space Science 85, 279-288, 2013
Detailed infrared study of amorphous to crystalline propionitrile ices relevant to observed spectra of Titan's stratospheric ice clouds
D Nna-Mvondo, CM Anderson, RE Samuelson
Icarus 333, 183-198, 2019
Infrared Spectra, Optical Constants, and Temperature Dependences of Amorphous and Crystalline Benzene Ices Relevant to Titan
D Nna-Mvondo, CM Anderson
The Astrophysical Journal 925 (2), 123, 2022
New Frontiers Titan Orbiter
JW Barnes, AG Hayes, JM Soderblom, SM MacKenzie, JD Hofgartner, ...
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53 (4), 317, 2021
Titan’s High Altitude South Polar (HASP) stratospheric ice cloud as observed by Cassini CIRS
C Anderson, D Nna-Mvondo, RE Samuelson, RK Achterberg, FM Flasar, ...
AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts# 49 49, 304.10, 2017
Quantitative study of methane-nitrogen mixed clathrates using gas chromatography and Raman spectroscopy for their detection in icy surfaces of the outer solar system
D Nna-Mvondo, G Tobie, E Le Menn, O Grasset
Icarus 358, 114182, 2021
Organic matter in the Titan lakes, and comparison with primitive Earth
BN Khare, C McKay, P Wilhite, D Beeler, M Carter, L Schurmeier, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1543 (1), 77-88, 2013
Reactivity of Tholins on Titan's surface under impact shock processes: A laboratory approach
DN Mvondo, M Ruiz-Bermejo
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Articles 1–20