Maxime Cauchoix
Maxime Cauchoix
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The repeatability of cognitive performance: a meta-analysis
M Cauchoix, PKY Chow, JO Van Horik, CM Atance, EJ Barbeau, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 …, 2018
The neural dynamics of face detection in the wild revealed by MVPA
M Cauchoix, G Barragan-Jason, T Serre, EJ Barbeau
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (3), 846-854, 2014
Cognition in the field: comparison of reversal learning performance in captive and wild passerines
M Cauchoix, E Hermer, AS Chaine, J Morand-Ferron
Scientific reports 7 (1), 12945, 2017
How can we study the evolution of animal minds?
M Cauchoix, AS Chaine
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 358, 2016
The neural speed of familiar face recognition
G Barragan-Jason, M Cauchoix, EJ Barbeau
Neuropsychologia 75, 390-401, 2015
Humans and monkeys share visual representations
D Fize, M Cauchoix, M Fabre-Thorpe
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (18), 7635-7640, 2011
Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: The SPI‐Birds data hub
A Culina, F Adriaensen, LD Bailey, MD Burgess, A Charmantier, EF Cole, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), 2147-2160, 2021
Personality does not predict social dominance in wild groups of black-capped chickadees
I Devost, TB Jones, M Cauchoix, C Montreuil-Spencer, J Morand-Ferron
Animal Behaviour 122, 67-76, 2016
Fast ventral stream neural activity enables rapid visual categorization
M Cauchoix, SM Crouzet, D Fize, T Serre
NeuroImage 125, 280-290, 2016
How plausible is a subcortical account of rapid visual recognition?
M Cauchoix, SM Crouzet
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7, 39, 2013
Linking acoustic diversity to compositional and configurational heterogeneity in mosaic landscapes
L Barbaro, A Sourdril, JSP Froidevaux, M Cauchoix, F Calatayud, ...
Landscape Ecology 37 (4), 1125-1143, 2022
Cognition in context: plasticity in cognitive performance in response to ongoing environmental variables
M Cauchoix, AS Chaine, G Barragan-Jason
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8, 106, 2020
Elevation-related difference in serial reversal learning ability in a nonscatter hoarding passerine
E Hermer, M Cauchoix, AS Chaine, J Morand-Ferron
Behavioral Ecology 29 (4), 840-847, 2018
Long-term repeatability of cognitive performance
BJ Ashton, A Thornton, M Cauchoix, AR Ridley
Royal Society Open Science 9 (5), 220069, 2022
Contrasting the seasonal and elevational prevalence of generalist avian haemosporidia in co‐occurring host species
JG Lynton‐Jenkins, AC Bründl, M Cauchoix, LA Lejeune, L Sallé, ...
Ecology and evolution 10 (12), 6097-6111, 2020
Herbivory on the pedunculate oak along an urbanization gradient in Europe: Effects of impervious surface, local tree cover, and insect feeding guild
E Valdés‐Correcher, A Popova, A Galmán, A Prinzing, AV Selikhovkin, ...
Ecology and Evolution 12 (3), e8709, 2022
The neural dynamics of visual processing in monkey extrastriate cortex: A comparison between univariate and multivariate techniques
M Cauchoix, AB Arslan, D Fize, T Serre
Machine Learning and Interpretation in Neuroimaging: International Workshop …, 2012
Assessing the potential of BirdNET to infer European bird communities from large-scale ecoacoustic data
D Funosas, L Barbaro, L Schillé, A Elger, B Castagneyrol, M Cauchoix
Ecological Indicators 164, 112146, 2024
Commentary: Revisiting the marshmallow test: A conceptual replication investigating links between early delay of gratification and later outcomes
G Barragan-Jason, CM Atance, A Hopfensitz, J Stieglitz, M Cauchoix
Frontiers in psychology 9, 2719, 2019
When does the visual system need to look back?
SM Crouzet, M Cauchoix
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (24), 8706-8707, 2011
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20