David Hinde
David Hinde
Professor Emeritus, Australian National University
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Measuring barriers to fusion
M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, N Rowley, AM Stefanini
Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 48 (1), 401-461, 1998
Neutron emission as a probe of fusion-fission and quasifission dynamics
DJ Hinde, D Hilscher, H Rossner, B Gebauer, M Lehmann, M Wilpert
Physical Review C 45 (3), 1229, 1992
Barrier distributions from the fusion of oxygen ions with Sm 144, 148, 154 and W 186
JR Leigh, M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, JC Mein, CR Morton, RC Lemmon, ...
Physical Review C 52 (6), 3151, 1995
Effect of breakup on the fusion of , , and with heavy nuclei
M Dasgupta, PRS Gomes, DJ Hinde, SB Moraes, RM Anjos, AC Berriman, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 70 (2), 024606, 2004
Fusion versus Breakup: Observation of Large Fusion Suppression for 9 B e+ 208 Pb
M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, RD Butt, RM Anjos, AC Berriman, N Carlin, ...
Physical review letters 82 (7), 1395, 1999
Conclusive evidence for the influence of nuclear orientation on quasifission
DJ Hinde, M Dasgupta, JR Leigh, JC Mein, CR Morton, JO Newton, ...
Physical Review C 53 (3), 1290, 1996
Fusion-fission versus quasifission: Effect of nuclear orientation
DJ Hinde, M Dasgupta, JR Leigh, JP Lestone, JC Mein, CR Morton, ...
Physical review letters 74 (8), 1295, 1995
Fusion Reaction Leading to Element : Long-Lived -Decaying and Discovery of
J Khuyagbaatar, A Yakushev, CE Düllmann, D Ackermann, LL Andersson, ...
Physical review letters 112 (17), 172501, 2014
Systematic failure of the Woods-Saxon nuclear potential to describe both fusion and elastic scattering: Possible need for a new dynamical approach to fusion
JO Newton, RD Butt, M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, II Gontchar, CR Morton, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 70 (2), 024605, 2004
Coupled-channels analysis of the fusion barrier distribution
CR Morton, AC Berriman, M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, JO Newton, K Hagino, ...
Physical Review C 60 (4), 044608, 1999
Neutron multiplicities in heavy-ion-induced fission: Timescale of fusion-fission
DJ Hinde, RJ Charity, GS Foote, JR Leigh, JO Newton, S Ogaza, ...
Nuclear Physics A 452 (3), 550-572, 1986
Probing fusion barrier distributions with quasi-elastic scattering
H Timmers, JR Leigh, M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, RC Lemmon, JC Mein, ...
Nuclear Physics A 584 (1), 190-204, 1995
Unexpected inhibition of fusion in nucleus–nucleus collisions
AC Berriman, DJ Hinde, M Dasgupta, CR Morton, RD Butt, JO Newton
Nature 413 (6852), 144-147, 2001
Beyond the coherent coupled channels description of nuclear fusion
M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, A Diaz-Torres, B Bouriquet, CI Low, GJ Milburn, ...
Physical review letters 99 (19), 192701, 2007
Fusion and breakup in the reactions of and nuclei with
M Dasgupta, DJ Hinde, K Hagino, SB Moraes, PRS Gomes, RM Anjos, ...
Physical Review C 66 (4), 041602, 2002
Systematics of fusion-fission time scales
DJ Hinde, H Ogata, M Tanaka, T Shimoda, N Takahashi, A Shinohara, ...
Physical Review C 39 (6), 2268, 1989
Comprehensive study of reaction mechanisms for the system at near- and sub-barrier energies
PRS Gomes, I Padron, E Crema, OA Capurro, JOF Niello, A Arazi, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 73 (6), 064606, 2006
Experimental determination of the fusion-barrier distribution for the Sm 154+ 16 O reaction
JX Wei, JR Leigh, DJ Hinde, JO Newton, RC Lemmon, S Elfstrom, ...
Physical review letters 67 (24), 3368, 1991
Relating Breakup and Incomplete Fusion of Weakly Bound Nuclei<? format?> through a Classical Trajectory Model with Stochastic Breakup
A Diaz-Torres, DJ Hinde, JA Tostevin, M Dasgupta, LR Gasques
Physical review letters 98 (15), 152701, 2007
Experimental barrier distributions for the fusion of and with and coupled-channels analyses
JO Newton, CR Morton, M Dasgupta, JR Leigh, JC Mein, DJ Hinde, ...
Physical Review C 64 (6), 064608, 2001
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Articles 1–20