Guy Walker
Cited by
Cited by
Human factors methods: a practical guide for engineering and design
NA Stanton, PM Salmon, LA Rafferty, GH Walker, C Baber, DP Jenkins
CRC Press, 2017
Distributed situation awareness in dynamic systems: theoretical development and application of an ergonomics methodology
NA Stanton, R Stewart, D Harris, RJ Houghton, C Baber, R McMaster, ...
Ergonomics 49 (12-13), 1288-1311, 2006
Situation awareness measurement: A review of applicability for C4i environments
P Salmon, N Stanton, G Walker, D Green
Applied ergonomics 37 (2), 225-238, 2006
A review of sociotechnical systems theory: a classic concept for new command and control paradigms
GH Walker, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, DP Jenkins
Theoretical issues in ergonomics science 9 (6), 479-499, 2008
Measuring Situation Awareness in complex systems: Comparison of measures study
PM Salmon, NA Stanton, GH Walker, D Jenkins, D Ladva, L Rafferty, ...
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 39 (3), 490-500, 2009
What really is going on? Review of situation awareness models for individuals and teams
PM Salmon, NA Stanton, GH Walker, C Baber, DP Jenkins, R McMaster, ...
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 9 (4), 297-323, 2008
Distributed situation awareness: Theory, measurement and application to teamwork
PM Salmon, NA Stanton, DP Jenkins
CRC Press, 2017
State-of-science: situation awareness in individuals, teams and systems
NA Stanton, PM Salmon, GH Walker, E Salas, PA Hancock
Ergonomics 60 (4), 449-466, 2017
Cognitive work analysis: coping with complexity
DP Jenkins, NA Stanton, GH Walker
CRC Press, 2017
Command and control in emergency services operations: a social network analysis
RJ Houghton, C Baber, R McMaster, NA Stanton, P Salmon, R Stewart, ...
Ergonomics 49 (12-13), 1204-1225, 2006
Is situation awareness all in the mind?
NA Stanton, PM Salmon, GH Walker, DP Jenkins
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 11 (1-2), 29-40, 2010
Coordination during multi‐agency emergency response: issues and solutions
P Salmon, N Stanton, D Jenkins, G Walker
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 20 (2), 140-158, 2011
What do applications of systems thinking accident analysis methods tell us about accident causation? A systematic review of applications between 1990 and 2018
A Hulme, NA Stanton, GH Walker, P Waterson, PM Salmon
Safety science 117, 164-183, 2019
Event analysis of systemic teamwork (EAST): a novel integration of ergonomics methods to analyse C4i activity
GH Walker, H Gibson, NA Stanton, C Baber, P Salmon, D Green
Ergonomics 49 (12-13), 1345-1369, 2006
Where is computing driving cars?
GH Walker, NA Stanton, MS Young
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 13 (2), 203-229, 2001
Fitting methods to paradigms: are ergonomics methods fit for systems thinking?
PM Salmon, GH Walker, GJM Read, N Goode, NA Stanton
New Paradigms in Ergonomics, 44-55, 2020
Pilot error versus sociotechnical systems failure: a distributed situation awareness analysis of Air France 447
PM Salmon, GH Walker, NA Stanton
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 17 (1), 64-79, 2016
Conflicts of interest: The implications of roadside advertising for driver attention
MS Young, JM Mahfoud, NA Stanton, PM Salmon, DP Jenkins, GH Walker
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 12 (5), 381-388, 2009
Cognitive compatibility of motorcyclists and car drivers
GH Walker, NA Stanton, PM Salmon
Accident Analysis & Prevention 43 (3), 878-888, 2011
Models and methods for collision analysis: A comparison study based on the Uber collision with a pedestrian
NA Stanton, PM Salmon, GH Walker, M Stanton
Safety Science 120, 117-128, 2019
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Articles 1–20