Sanjiba Kumar Baliarsingh
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Cited by
Distribution of trace metals in surface seawater and zooplankton of the Bay of Bengal, off Rushikulya estuary, East Coast of India
S Srichandan, RC Panigrahy, SK Baliarsingh, P Pati, BK Sahu, KC Sahu
Marine Pollution Bulletin 111 (1-2), 468-475, 2016
Environmental dynamics of red Noctiluca scintillans bloom in tropical coastal waters
SK Baliarsingh, AA Lotliker, VL Trainer, ML Wells, C Parida, BK Sahu, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 111 (1-2), 277-286, 2016
Characterization of oceanic Noctiluca blooms not associated with hypoxia in the Northeastern Arabian Sea
AA Lotliker, SK Baliarsingh, VL Trainer, ML Wells, C Wilson, ...
Harmful algae 74, 46-57, 2018
Seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton in response to environmental variables in contrasting coastal ecosystems
S Srichandan, SK Baliarsingh, S Prakash, AA Lotliker, C Parida, KC Sahu
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26, 12025-12041, 2019
Spatio-temporal distribution of chlorophyll-a in relation to physico-chemical parameters in coastal waters of the northwestern Bay of Bengal
SK Baliarsingh, AA Lotliker, KC Sahu, T Sinivasa Kumar
Environmental monitoring and assessment 187, 1-14, 2015
Zooplankton distribution in coastal water of the North-Western Bay of Bengal, off Rushikulya estuary, east coast of India
S Srichandan, BK Sahu, R Panda, SK Baliarsingh, KC Sahu, ...
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2015
A review of jellyfish aggregations, focusing on India’s coastal waters
SK Baliarsingh, AA Lotliker, S Srichandan, A Samanta, N Kumar, ...
Ecological Processes 9, 1-9, 2020
Seasonal variation of phytoplankton community in navigable channel of Gopalpur Port, East coast of India: a taxonomic study
SK Baliarsingh, BK Sahu, S Srichandan, KC Sahu
International Journal of Modern Botany 2 (3), 40-46, 2012
Quantifying tropical cyclone's effect on the biogeochemical processes using profiling float observations in the Bay of Bengal
MS Girishkumar, VP Thangaprakash, TVS Udaya Bhaskar, K Suprit, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (3), 1945-1963, 2019
Mass beach stranding of blue button jellies (Porpita porpita, Linnaeus, 1758) along Odisha coast during summer season
BK Sahu, SK Baliarsingh, A Samanta, S Srichandan, S Singh
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2020
Response of phytoplankton community and size classes to green Noctiluca bloom in the northern Arabian Sea
SK Baliarsingh, AA Lotliker, V Sudheesh, A Samanta, S Das, AK Vijayan
Marine Pollution Bulletin 129 (1), 222-230, 2018
Long-term chlorophyll-a dynamics in tropical coastal waters of the western Bay of Bengal
AA Lotliker, SK Baliarsingh, KC Sahu, TS Kumar
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27, 6411-6419, 2020
Monograph on marine plankton of East Coast of India-A cruise report
KC Sahu, SK Baliarsingh, S Srichandan, AA Lotliker, TS Kumar
Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services, 2013
Did the coronavirus disease 2019 lockdown phase influence coastal water quality parameters off major Indian cities and river basins?
AA Lotliker, SK Baliarsingh, RV Shesu, A Samanta, RC Naik, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 648166, 2021
Seasonal variation of zooplankton abundance and composition in Gopalpur creek: a tropical tidal backwater, east coast of India
BK Sahu, SK Baliarsingh, S Srichandan, KC Sahu
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India 55 (1), 59-64, 2013
Long-term trend and environmental determinants of phytoplankton biomass in coastal waters of northwestern Bay of Bengal
J Miranda, SK Baliarsingh, AA Lotliker, S Sahoo, KC Sahu, TS Kumar
Environmental monitoring and assessment 192, 1-13, 2020
Distribution of hydro-biological parameters in coastal waters off Rushikulya estuary, East Coast of India: a premonsoon case study.
SK Baliarsingh, S Srichandan, S Naik, KC Sahu, AA Lotliker, TS Kumar
An optical remote sensing approach for ecological monitoring of red and green Noctiluca scintillans
SK Baliarsingh, RM Dwivedi, AA Lotliker, KC Sahu, TS Kumar, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-10, 2017
Effect of physico-chemical regimes and tropical cyclones on seasonal distribution of chlorophyll-a in the Chilika Lagoon, east coast of India
S Sahoo, SK Baliarsingh, AA Lotliker, UK Pradhan, CS Thomas, KC Sahu
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-17, 2017
Phytoplankton community structure in local water types at a coastal site in north-western Bay of Bengal
SK Baliarsingh, S Srichandan, AA Lotliker, KC Sahu, T Srinivasa Kumar
Environmental monitoring and assessment 188, 1-15, 2016
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Articles 1–20