Toan Minh Hoang
Toan Minh Hoang
TM Hoang
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Cited by
Road lane detection by discriminating dashed and solid road lanes using a visible light camera sensor
TM Hoang, HG Hong, H Vokhidov, KR Park
Sensors 16 (8), 1313, 2016
Enhanced detection and recognition of road markings based on adaptive region of interest and deep learning
TM Hoang, SH Nam, KR Park
IEEE Access 7, 109817-109832, 2019
Deep retinanet-based detection and classification of road markings by visible light camera sensors
TM Hoang, PH Nguyen, NQ Truong, YW Lee, KR Park
Sensors 19 (2), 281, 2019
Road lane detection robust to shadows based on a fuzzy system using a visible light camera sensor
TM Hoang, NR Baek, SW Cho, KW Kim, KR Park
Sensors 17 (11), 2475, 2017
Recognition of damaged arrow-road markings by visible light camera sensor based on convolutional neural network
H Vokhidov, HG Hong, JK Kang, TM Hoang, KR Park
Sensors 16 (12), 2160, 2016
Person re-identification between visible and thermal camera images based on deep residual CNN using single input
JK Kang, TM Hoang, KR Park
IEEE Access 7, 57972-57984, 2019
Deep residual CNN-based ocular recognition based on rough pupil detection in the images by NIR camera sensor
YW Lee, KW Kim, TM Hoang, M Arsalan, KR Park
Sensors 19 (4), 842, 2019
Deface: Deep efficient face network for small scale variations
TM Hoang, GP Nam, J Cho, IJ Kim
IEEE Access 8, 142423-142433, 2020
Lane Detection Techniques-A survey
TM Hoang, HG Hong, H Vokhidov, JK Kang, KR Park, HO Cho
Proceedings of the Korea Information Processing Society Conference, 1411-1412, 2015
도로 위 숫자 및 기호 인식을 위한 광각렌즈 기반 Camera Calibration 연구
JG Gang, HG Hong, TM Hoang, H Vokhidov, GR Park, HO Jo
Proceedings of the Korea Information Processing Society Conference, 1406-1407, 2015
Survey on Detection and Recognition of Road Marking
H Vokhidov, HG Hong, TM Hoang, JK Kang, KR Park, HO Cho
Proceedings of the Korea Information Processing Society Conference, 1408-1410, 2015
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