Muhammad Javed
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Cited by
Benchmarking the two-dimensional conductive Y3 (C6X6) 2 (Y= Co, Cu, Pd, Pt; X= NH, NHS, S) metal-organic framework nanosheets for CO2 reduction reaction with tunable performance
S Ali, PM Ismail, F Wahid, A Kumar, M Haneef, F Raziq, S Ali, M Javed, ...
Fuel Processing Technology 236, 107427, 2022
The dynamics of quantum correlations in mixed classical environments
M Javed, S Khan, SA Ullah
Journal of Russian Laser Research 37, 562-571, 2016
Dynamics of bipartite quantum correlations and coherence in classical environments described by pure and mixed Gaussian noises
AU Rahman, M Noman, M Javed, A Ullah
The European Physical Journal Plus 136 (8), 846, 2021
Effects of classical fluctuating environments on decoherence and bipartite quantum correlations dynamics
AUMXL Atta Ur Rahman, Muhammad Noman, Muhammad Javed
Laser Physics 31 (11), 1-10, 2021
Quantum correlations of tripartite entangled states under Gaussian noise
AU Rahman, M Noman, M Javed, MX Luo, A Ullah
Quantum Information Processing 20 (9), 290, 2021
Probing tripartite entanglement and coherence dynamics in pure and mixed independent classical environments
AUZJ Atta Ur Rahman, Muhammad Javed
Quantum Information Processing 20 (10), 2021
Goos–Hänchen Shift from Cold and Hot Atomic Media Using Kerr Nonlinearity
SAU H. Iqbal,M. Idrees,M. Javed,B. A. Bacha,S. Khan
Journal of Russian Laser Research 38 (5), 426–436, 2017
Entanglement witness and linear entropy in an open system influenced by FG noise
LTKAU Atta Ur Rahman, Saeed Haddadi, Muhammad Javed
Quantum Information Processing 21 (11), 2022
Characterizing Two‐Qubit Non‐Classical Correlations and Non‐Locality in Mixed Local Dephasing Noisy Channels
AU Rahman, Y Khedif, M Javed, H Ali, M Daoud
Annalen der Physik 534 (10), 2200197, 2022
Probing multipartite entanglement, coherence and quantum information preservation under classical Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise
ZJAU Atta Ur Rahman, Muhammad Javed
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2021
Precise position measurement of an atom using superposition of two standing wave fields
M Idrees, BA Bacha, M Javed, SA Ullah
Laser Physics 27 (4), 045202, 2017
Characterization of classical static noise via qubit as probe
M Javed, S Khan, SA Ullah
Quantum Information Processing 17 (3), 53, 2018
Dynamics and protection of quantum correlations in a qubit–qutrit system subjected locally to a classical random field and colored noise
LCF L. T. Kenfack, M. Tchoffo, M. Javed
Quantum Information Processing 19 (4), 1-26, 2020
Quantum memory-assisted entropic uncertainty and entanglement dynamics: two qubits coupled with local fields and Ornstein Uhlenbeck noise
MJHA Atta ur Rahman, Nour Zidan,S. M. Zangi
Quantum Information Processing 21 (10), 1-24, 2022
Entropic uncertainty and quantum correlations dynamics in a system of two qutrits exposed to local noisy channels
AU Rahman, MY Abd-Rabbou, SM Zangi, M Javed
Physica Scripta 97 (10), 105101, 2022
Quantization of Goos–Hänchen shift in monolayer graphene under partial and total internal reflection conditions
MS Mudasir Shah, Ali Akbar, Niaz Ali Khan, Quaid Zaman, Shahid Iqbal, Wajid ...
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 39 (4), 1082-1090, 2022
Qutrit as a probe for characterization of random telegraphic noise
MM Muhammad Javed, Salman Khan, Arif Ullah
Physics Open, 2020
Quantum speed limit time of a spin qubit in noninteracting spin bath
M Musadiq, S Khan, M Javed, M Shamirzaie
International Journal of Quantum Information 17 (07), 1950054, 2019
Influence of tunnelling-dependent cross-Kerr nonlinearity on photon drag using Sagnac interferometry
S Ullah, A Ullah, M Javed, R Ahmad
The European Physical Journal D 78 (5), 52, 2024
Sagnac interferometry and self-Kerr nonlinearity dependent photon drag
S Ullah, A Ullah, BA Bacha, M Javed
Europhysics Letters 143 (3), 35003, 2023
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Articles 1–20