Emily Rauschert
Emily Rauschert
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Moving from pattern to process: coexistence mechanisms under intermediate disturbance regimes
K Shea, SH Roxburgh, ESJ Rauschert
Ecology Letters 7 (6), 491-508, 2004
Forest roads facilitate the spread of invasive plants
DA Mortensen, ESJ Rauschert, AN Nord, BP Jones
Invasive Plant Science and Management 2 (3), 191-199, 2009
Slow spread of the aggressive invader, Microstegium vimineum (Japanese stiltgrass)
ESJ Rauschert, DA Mortensen, ON Bjørnstad, AN Nord, N Peskin
Biological Invasions 12 (3), 563-579, 2010
Human-mediated dispersal via rural road maintenance can move invasive propagules
ESJ Rauschert, DA Mortensen, SM Bloser
Biological Invasions 19 (7), 2047-2058, 2017
Invasional interference due to similar inter-and intraspecific competition between invaders may affect management
ESJ Rauschert, K Shea
Ecological Applications 22 (5), 1413-1420, 2012
A unifying gravity framework for dispersal
E Jongejans, O Skarpaas, MJ Ferrari, ES Long, JT Dauer, CM Schwarz, ...
Theoretical Ecology 8 (2), 207-223, 2015
The more we do, the less we gain? Balancing effort and efficacy in managing the Solidago gigantea invasion
DU Nagy, ESJ Rauschert, T Henn, K Cianfaglione, S Stranczinger, ...
Weed Research 60 (3), 232-240, 2020
Coexistence patterns of two invasive thistle species, Carduus nutans and C. acanthoides, at three spatial scales
ESJ Rauschert, K Shea, ON Bjørnstad
Biological invasions 14 (1), 151-164, 2012
Environmental factors influence early population growth of Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum)
AN Nord, DA Mortensen, ESJ Rauschert
Invasive Plant Science and Management 3 (1), 17-25, 2010
Survivorship curves
ESJ Rauschert
The Nature Education Knowledge Project 3 (10), 2010
Competition between similar invasive species: modeling invasional interference across a landscape.
ESJ Rauschert, K Shea
Population Ecology 59 (1), 79-88, 2017
The Ecology of Rural Roads: Effects, Management, and Research
AW Coffin, DS Ouren, ND Bettez, L Borda-de-Água, AE Daniels, C Grilo, ...
Primary literature across the undergraduate curriculum: teaching science process skills and content
ESJ Rauschert, J Dauer, JL Momsen, A Sutton-Grier
Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 92, 396, 2011
Intense mowing management suppresses invader, but shifts competitive resistance by a native to facilitation
DU Nagy, ESJ Rauschert, RM Callaway, T Henn, R Filep, RW Pal
Restoration Ecology 30 (1), e13483, 2022
Soil characteristics drive Ficaria verna abundance and reproductive output
JP Kermack, ESJ Rauschert
Invasive Plant Science and Management 12 (4), 214-222, 2019
Which of the Following Is True: We Can Write Better Multiple Choice Questions
ESJ Rauschert, S Yang, RM Pigg
The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 100 (1), e01468, 2019
Influence of microsite disturbance on the establishment of two congeneric invasive thistles
ESJ Rauschert, K Shea
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e45490, 2012
Genetic and morphological comparisons of lesser celandine (Ficaria verna) invasions suggest regionally widespread sexual reproduction
KZ Mattingly, CTC Day, ESJ Rauschert, A Tayal, SM Hovick
Biological Invasions 25 (2), 379-397, 2023
Root fungal communities associated with better performance of an invasive spring ephemeral
A Paolucci, ESJ Rauschert, S Carrino-Kyker, D Burke
Biological Invasions 23 (1), 181-192, 2021
Using Discussion to Promote Learning in Undergraduate Biology
AE Sutton‐Grier, ESJ Rauschert, J Momsen
The Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 97 (1), 102-110, 2016
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