Prachi Hemant Bhuptani
Prachi Hemant Bhuptani
Brown University, Rhode Island Hospital
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A review of the long‐term impact of child maltreatment on posttraumatic stress disorder and its comorbidities: An emotion dysregulation perspective.
TL Messman-Moore, PH Bhuptani
Clinical psychology: science and practice 24 (2), 154, 2017
Blame and shame in sexual assault
PH Bhuptani, TL Messman-Moore
Handbook of sexual assault and sexual assault prevention, 309-322, 2019
Role of blame and rape-related shame in distress among rape victims.
PH Bhuptani, TL Messman
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 15 (4), 557, 2023
Rape disclosure and depression among community women: The mediating roles of shame and experiential avoidance
PH Bhuptani, JS Kaufman, TL Messman-Moore, KL Gratz, D DiLillo
Violence against women 25 (10), 1226-1242, 2019
Self-compassion and shame among rape survivors
PH Bhuptani, TL Messman
Journal of interpersonal violence 37 (17-18), NP16575-NP16595, 2022
Self-compassion and fear of self-compassion: Mechanisms underlying the link between child maltreatment severity and psychological distress in college women
TL Messman-Moore, PH Bhuptani
Mindfulness 11, 1446-1459, 2020
Characterizing intimate partner violence in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
PH Bhuptani, J Hunter, C Goodwin, C Millman, LM Orchowski
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 24 (5), 3220-3235, 2023
A qualitative analysis of how individuals utilized the Twitter Hashtags# NotOkay and# MeToo to comment on the perpetration of interpersonal violence
KW Bogen, PH Bhuptani, M Haikalis, LM Orchowski
Social Media+ Society 8 (1), 20563051221086229, 2022
A mixed methods study of moral distress among frontline nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CW Burton, DK Jenkins, GK Chan, KL Zellner, AK Zalta
Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy 16 (4), 568, 2024
Latent profiles of social reactions to sexual assault disclosure among undergraduate women
SR Salim, LR Eshelman, PH Bhuptani, TL Messman
Psychology of Women Quarterly 46 (1), 66-81, 2022
Handbook of sexual assault and sexual assault prevention
PH Bhuptani, TL Messman-Moore, WT O'Donohue, PA Schewe
Springer International Publishing, 2019
Trauma-related shame mediates the associations between self-blame, bisexual minority stress, and rape-related PTSD symptoms
SR Salim, PH Bhuptani, LR Eshelman, NM LaPlena, TL Messman
Journal of interpersonal violence 38 (17-18), 10259-10281, 2023
Pornography use, perceived peer norms, and attitudes toward women: A study of college men
PH Bhuptani, SR Kenney, LE Napper, LM Orchowski
American journal of sexuality education 19 (3), 280-301, 2024
Relational ecological model of identity: A tool for providing culturally competent clinical care in India.
P Aggarwal, DL Wiese, P Bhuptani
International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation …, 2022
Representation of women in 10 recognition awards from the American Psychological Association, 1956–2019.
LM Orchowski, KW Bogen, PH Bhuptani
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 52 (6), 610, 2021
Online social reactions to disclosure of sexual victimization via# MeToo and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder
PH Bhuptani, G López, R Peterson, LM Orchowski
Journal of interpersonal violence 38 (19-20), 10900-10919, 2023
University Crime Alerts: Do They Contribute to Institutional Betrayal and Rape Myths?
AA Adams-Clark, CP Smith, PH Bhuptani, JJ Freyd
Dignity: A Journal of Analysis of Exploitation and Violence 5 (1), 6, 2020
Disclosing Sexual Victimization Online and In-Person: An Examination of Bisexual+ and Heterosexual Survivors
G López, PH Bhuptani, LM Orchowski
Journal of interpersonal violence 39 (9-10), 1976-1998, 2024
Mindful self-compassion for veteran women with a history of military sexual trauma: feasibility, acceptability, potential benefits, and considerations
TD Braun, PH Bhuptani, B O’Keefe, AM Abrantes, E Marsh, CG Holzhauer
European journal of psychotraumatology 15 (1), 2301205, 2024
Sexual Objectification Racial Microaggressions Amplify the Positive Relation Between Sexual Assault and Posttraumatic Stress Among Black Women
LR Eshelman, SR Salim, PH Bhuptani, M Saad
Psychology of Women Quarterly 48 (2), 180-194, 2024
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Articles 1–20