Alena Favorskaya
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Cited by
Modelling the wave phenomena in acoustic and elastic media with sharp variations of physical properties using the grid‐characteristic method
AV Favorskaya, MS Zhdanov, NI Khokhlov, IB Petrov
Geophysical Prospecting 66 (8), 1485-1502, 2018
Grid-characteristic method using high-order interpolation on tetrahedral hierarchical meshes with a multiple time step
IB Petrov, AV Favorskaya, AV Sannikov, IE Kvasov
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 5, 409-415, 2013
Wave responses from oil reservoirs in the Arctic shelf zone
AV Favorskaya, IB Petrov
Doklady Earth Sciences 466, 214-217, 2016
Numerical simulation of processes in solid deformable media in the presence of dynamic contacts using the grid-characteristic method
KA Beklemysheva, IB Petrov, AV Favorskaya
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 6, 294-304, 2014
Grid-characteristic method using Chimera meshes for simulation of elastic waves scattering on geological fractured zones
N Khokhlov, A Favorskaya, V Stetsyuk, I Mitskovets
Journal of Computational Physics 446, 110637, 2021
Monitoring the state of the moving train by use of high performance systems and modern computation methods
IB Petrov, AV Favorskaya, NI Khokhlov, VA Miryakha, AV Sannikov, ...
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations 7 (1), 51-61, 2015
Grid-characteristic method on embedded hierarchical grids and its application in the study of seismic waves
IB Petrov, AV Favorskaya, NI Khokhlov
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 57, 1771-1777, 2017
Grid-characteristic method
AV Favorskaya, IB Petrov
Innovations in Wave Processes Modelling and Decision Making: Grid …, 2018
Numerical simulation of wave propagation in anisotropic media
IB Petrov, AV Favorskaya, AV Vasyukov, AS Ermakov, KA Beklemysheva, ...
Doklady mathematics 90, 778-780, 2014
Application of the grid-characteristic method to the seismic isolation model
AV Favorskaya, AV Breus, BV Galitskii
Smart Modeling for Engineering Systems: Proceedings of the Conference 50 …, 2019
Numerical modeling of dynamic wave effects in rock masses
AV Favorskaya, IB Petrov
Doklady Mathematics 95, 287-290, 2017
Grid-characteristic method on joint structured regular and curved grids for modeling coupled elastic and acoustic wave phenomena in objects of complex shape
AV Favorskaya, NI Khokhlov, IB Petrov
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 41, 512-525, 2020
Numerical modeling of wave processes during shelf seismic exploration
A Favorskaya, I Petrov, N Khokhlov
Procedia Computer Science 96, 920-929, 2016
Numerical simulation of destruction processes by the grid-characteristic method
V Golubev, N Khokhlov, D Grigorievyh, A Favorskaya
Procedia Computer Science 126, 1281-1288, 2018
Grid-characteristic method on unstructured tetrahedral meshes
MV Muratov, IB Petrov, IV Sannikov, AV Favorskaya
Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 54, 837-847, 2014
Investigation of seismic stability of high-rising buildings using grid-characteristic method
A Breus, A Favorskaya, V Golubev, A Kozhemyachenko, I Petrov
Procedia Computer Science 154, 305-310, 2019
Modeling the impact of wheelsets with flat spots on a railway track
A Favorskaya, N Khokhlov
Procedia Computer Science 126, 1100-1109, 2018
Numerical modeling of non-destructive testing of composites
I Petrov, A Vasyukov, K Beklemysheva, A Ermakov, A Favorskaya
Procedia Computer Science 96, 930-938, 2016
Numerical simulation of earthquakes impact on facilities by grid-characteristic method
A Favorskaya, I Petrov, V Golubev, N Khokhlov
Procedia computer science 112, 1206-1215, 2017
A study of high-order grid-characteristic methods on unstructured grids
AV Favorskaya, IB Petrov
Numerical Analysis and Applications 9, 171-178, 2016
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Articles 1–20