Zhi Han
Zhi Han
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Video desnowing and deraining based on matrix decomposition
W Ren, J Tian, Z Han, A Chan, Y Tang
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2017
Hyperspectral image super-resolution via nonlocal low-rank tensor approximation and total variation regularization
Y Wang, X Chen, Z Han, S He
Remote Sensing 9 (12), 1286, 2017
A generalized model for robust tensor factorization with noise modeling by mixture of Gaussians
Z Han, Y Wang, Q Zhao, D Meng, L Lin, Y Tang
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 29 (11), 5380-5393, 2018
Folded-concave penalization approaches to tensor completion
W Cao, Y Wang, C Yang, X Chang, Z Han, Z Xu
Neurocomputing 152, 261-273, 2015
Depth selection for deep ReLU nets in feature extraction and generalization
Z Han, S Yu, SB Lin, DX Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 44 (4), 1853-1868, 2020
Robust tensor factorization with unknown noise
X Chen, Z Han, Y Wang, Q Zhao, D Meng, Y Tang
proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2016
Super-resolution reconstruction of hyperspectral images via low rank tensor modeling and total variation regularization
S He, H Zhou, Y Wang, W Cao, Z Han
2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS …, 2016
Pixel-wise orthogonal decomposition for color illumination invariant and shadow-free image
L Qu, J Tian, Z Han, Y Tang
Optics express 23 (3), 2220-2239, 2015
Effective tensor completion via element-wise weighted low-rank tensor train with overlapping ket augmentation
Y Zhang, Y Wang, Z Han, Y Tang
IEEE Transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 32 (11), 7286 …, 2022
Tensor rpca by bayesian cp factorization with complex noise
Q Luo, Z Han, X Chen, Y Wang, D Meng, D Liang, Y Tang
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 5019-5028, 2017
Outside box and contactless palm vein recognition based on a wavelet denoising ResNet
W Wu, Q Wang, S Yu, Q Luo, S Lin, Z Han, Y Tang
IEEE Access 9, 82471-82484, 2021
Snowflake removal for videos via global and local low-rank decomposition
J Tian, Z Han, W Ren, X Chen, Y Tang
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20 (10), 2659-2669, 2018
Nonconvex plus quadratic penalized low-rank and sparse decomposition for noisy image alignment
X Chen, Z Han, Y Wang, Y Tang, H Yu
Science China. Information Sciences 59 (5), 052107, 2016
Saliency‐Based Diver Target Detection and Localization Method
J Zhu, S Yu, L Gao, Z Han, Y Tang
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2020 (1), 3186834, 2020
Underwater object recognition using transformable template matching based on prior knowledge
J Zhu, S Yu, Z Han, Y Tang, C Wu
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2019 (1), 2892975, 2019
Incremental alignment manifold learning
Z Han, DY Meng, ZB Xu, NN Gu
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 26 (1), 153-165, 2011
Compensation Atmospheric Scattering Model and Two-Branch Network for Single Image Dehazing
X Wang, X Chen, W Ren, Z Han, H Fan, Y Tang, L Liu
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 2024
Self-taught cross-domain few-shot learning with weakly supervised object localization and task-decomposition
X Liu, Z Ji, Y Pang, Z Han
Knowledge-Based Systems 265, 110358, 2023
On convergence properties of implicit self-paced objective
Z Ma, S Liu, D Meng, Y Zhang, SL Lo, Z Han
Information Sciences 462, 132-140, 2018
Video primal sketch: A generic middle-level representation of video
Z Han, Z Xu, SC Zhu
2011 International Conference on Computer Vision, 1283-1290, 2011
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Articles 1–20