Giulio Farella
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Cited by
CoCoNet: towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential
F Boero, F Foglini, S Fraschetti, P Goriup, E Macpherson, S Planes, ...
Deakin University, 2016
Multi-objective spatial tools to inform maritime spatial planning in the Adriatic Sea
D Depellegrin, S Menegon, G Farella, M Ghezzo, E Gissi, A Sarretta, ...
Science of the Total Environment 609, 1627-1639, 2017
Addressing cumulative effects, maritime conflicts and ecosystem services threats through MSP-oriented geospatial webtools
S Menegon, D Depellegrin, G Farella, A Sarretta, C Venier, A Barbanti
Ocean & Coastal Management 163, 417-436, 2018
A modelling framework for MSP-oriented cumulative effects assessment
S Menegon, D Depellegrin, G Farella, E Gissi, M Ghezzo, A Sarretta, ...
Ecological Indicators 91, 171-181, 2018
Incorporating ecosystem services conservation into a scenario-based MSP framework: An Adriatic case study
G Farella, S Menegon, A Fadini, D Depellegrin, E Manea, L Perini, ...
Ocean & Coastal Management 193, 105230, 2020
A regional assessment of cumulative impact mapping on Mediterranean coralligenous outcrops
S Bevilacqua, G Guarnieri, G Farella, A Terlizzi, S Fraschetti
Scientific reports 8 (1), 1757, 2018
The challenge of planning conservation strategies in threatened seascapes: understanding the role of fine scale assessments of community response to cumulative human pressures
G Guarnieri, S Bevilacqua, F De Leo, G Farella, A Maffia, A Terlizzi, ...
PloS one 11 (2), e0149253, 2016
Tools4MSP: an open source software package to support Maritime Spatial Planning
S Menegon, A Sarretta, D Depellegrin, G Farella, C Venier, A Barbanti
PeerJ Computer Science 4, e165, 2018
Ecosystem-based MSP for enhanced fisheries sustainability: An example from the northern Adriatic (Chioggia—Venice and Rovigo, Italy)
G Farella, AN Tassetti, S Menegon, M Bocci, C Ferrà, F Grati, A Fadini, ...
Sustainability 13 (3), 1211, 2021
A geoportal of data and tools for supporting Maritime Spatial Planning in the Adriatic-Ionian Region
S Menegon, A Fadini, L Perini, A Sarretta, D Depellegrin, E De Maio, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 160, 105585, 2023
Designing and implementing a multi-scalar approach to Maritime Spatial Planning: The case study of Italy
E Ramieri, M Bocci, D Brigolin, P Campostrini, F Carella, A Fadini, ...
Marine Policy 159, 105911, 2024
First assessment of underwater sound levels in the Northern Adriatic Sea at the basin scale
A Petrizzo, A Barbanti, G Barfucci, M Bastianini, I Biagiotti, S Bosi, ...
Scientific Data 10 (1), 137, 2023
Fra la terra e il mare: analisi e proposte per la Pianificazione dello Spazio Marittimo in Emilia-Romagna
A Barbanti, L Perini
Zenodo, 2018
Sviluppo ed analisi di proposte di ICZM-MSP in aree specifiche: costa emiliano-romagnola
A Barbanti, A Sarretta, C Venier, S Bellacicco, D Depellegrin, G Farella, ...
Volume 1, 1-188, 2017
Ecosystem-based MSP for enhanced fisheries sustainability: an example from the northern Adriatic (Chioggia—Venice and Rovigo, Italy). Sustainability 13: 1211
G Farella, AN Tassetti, S Menegon, M Bocci, C Ferra, F Grati, A Fadini, ...
Ridisegnare Venezia tra sviluppo portuale e protezione della laguna: una questione di lungo periodo
G Delogu, G Farella
Natural and shipping underwater sound distribution in the Northern Adriatic Sea basin and possible application on target areas
M Ghezzo, A Petrizzo, F Madricardo, T Folegot, R Gallou, D Clorennec, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 207, 116852, 2024
Supporting Implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the Western Mediterranean region
P Campostrini, E Manea, N Bassan, F Fabbri, G Farella, D Di Blasi, ...
Develop a basin scale analysis/initial assessment strongly MSP oriented for …, 2018
Develop a basin scale analysis/initial assessment strongly MSP oriented for the Western Mediterranean
P Campostrini, E Manea, N Bassan, F Fabbri, G Farella, D Di Blasi, ...
CORILA, 2018
Interazioni tra la calcispongia aliena Paraleucilla magna e bivalvi eduli di interesse commerciale nei mari di Taranto
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Articles 1–20