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Relationship between depression and loneliness in elderly and examination of influential factors
R Aylaz, Ü Aktürk, B Erci, H Öztürk, H Aslan
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 55 (3), 548-554, 2012
Üniversite öğrencilerinin toplumsal cinsiyet rolüne yönelik görüşleri
R Aylaz, G Güneş, Ö Uzun, S Ünal
Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi 23 (5), 183-189, 2014
The effect of anxiety levels of elderly people in quarantine on depression during covid-19 pandemic
H Yildirim, K Işik, R Aylaz
Social Work in Public Health 36 (2), 194-204, 2021
Effect of difficulties experienced by parents of autistic children on their sexual life: A qualitative study
R Aylaz, U Yılmaz, S Polat
Sexuality and Disability 30, 395-406, 2012
Kronik hastalığı olan çocuğa sahip ebeveynlerin bakım verme yükü
NA Alahan, R Aylaz, G Yetiş
Annals of Health Sciences Research 4 (2), 1-5, 2015
Bir ilköğretim okulundaki öğrencilerin öz yeterlilik düzeyleri
Ü Aktürk, R Aylaz
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 6 (4), 177-183, 2013
The effect of mindfulness-based psychoeducation on insight and medication adherence of schizophrenia patients
N Çetin, R Aylaz
Archives of psychiatric nursing 32 (5), 737-744, 2018
The effects of sleep hygiene education and reflexology on sleep quality and fatigue in patients receiving chemotherapy
L Zengin, R Aylaz
European journal of cancer care 28 (3), e13020, 2019
Prospective study: reducing pressure ulcers in intensive care units at a Turkish medical center
Ö Uzun, R Aylaz, E Karadag
Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing 36 (4), 404-411, 2009
Akademisyenlerin internet bağımlılık düzeyleri ve buna bağlı oluşabilecek sağlık sorunların değerlendirilmesi
S Aslan, R Aylaz
Annals of Health Sciences Research 3 (2), 14-19, 2014
The effect of mindfulness-based education given to individuals with substance-use disorder according to self-efficacy theory on self-efficacy perception
B Bayır, R Aylaz
Applied nursing research 57, 151354, 2021
Effect of the Education Which is Offered in Accordance with Bandura's Social Learning Theory on Children's Health Locus of Control, Perceptions and Behaviors.
H Yildirim, K Isik, E Gulcek, R Aylaz
International Journal of Caring Sciences 13 (2), 2020
The relationship between depression and loneliness levels of the students at the faculty of health sciences and the factors affecting them
G Kılınç, R Aylaz, G Güneş, P Harmancı
Perspectives in psychiatric care 56 (2), 431-438, 2020
An evaluation of anxiety in parents with disabled children and their coping strategies
U Akturk, R Aylaz
International Journal of Caring Sciences 10 (1), 342, 2017
X ve Y kuşağı: hemşirelerin meslek dayanışması ile iş doyumu arasındaki ilişki
F Karasu, R Aylaz
Sağlık Bilimleri ve Meslekleri Dergisi 4 (3), 180-189, 2017
Hemşirelerin iş doyumu düzeylerinin belirlenmesi
R Aylaz, N Aydoğmuş, EH Yayan
Annals of Health Sciences Research 6 (1), 12-17, 2017
The relationship between treatment adherence and social support in psychiatric patients in the east of Turkey
R Aylaz, G Kılınç
Archives of psychiatric nursing 31 (2), 157-163, 2017
Relationship between social support and fatigue in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the east of Turkey
R Aylaz, E Karadağ, K Işik, M Yildirim
Japan Journal of Nursing Science 12 (4), 367-376, 2015
The care burden and coping levels of chronic psychiatric patients’ caregivers
R Aylaz, E Yıldız
Perspectives in psychiatric care 54 (2), 230-241, 2018
Problematic internet usage among high school students and the relevant factors
R Aylaz, G Güneş, Y Günaydın, M Kocaer, E Pehlivan
Turkish Journal of Public Health 13 (3), 184-192, 2015
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