Rose Urban (nee King)
Rose Urban (nee King)
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Topologies of multiterminal HVDC-VSC transmission for large offshore wind farms
O Gomis-Bellmunt, J Liang, J Ekanayake, R King, N Jenkins
Electric Power Systems Research 81 (2), 271-281, 2011
Experimental Validation of Dual H-Bridge Current Flow Controllers for Meshed HVdc Grids
S Balasubramaniam, CE Ugalde-Loo, J Liang, T Joseph, R King, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (1), 381-392, 2018
Fast polymer nanorectifiers for inductively coupled RFID tags
LA Majewski, C Balocco, R King, S Whitelegg, AM Song
Materials Science and Engineering: B 147 (2), 289-292, 2008
Harmonic modelling of offshore wind farms
R King, JB Ekanayake
Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2010 IEEE, 1-6, 2010
Highly tunable, high-throughput nanolithography based on strained regioregular conducting polymer films
AG Jones, C Balocco, R King, AM Song
Applied physics letters 89 (1), 013119, 2006
Switching transients in offshore wind farms–impact on the offshore and onshore networks
R King, F Moore, N Jenkins, A Haddad, H Griffiths, M Osborne
International Conference on Power Systems Transients, IPST, Delft, The …, 2011
Double modulation control (DMC) for dual full bridge current flow controller (2FB-CFC)
F Hassan, R King, R Whitehouse, C Barker
Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'15 ECCE-Europe), 2015 17th European …, 2015
Electrical transmission systems for large offshore wind farms
RL King
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2011
Switching transients in large offshore wind farms
R King, N Jenkins
7th International Workshop on Large Scale Integration of Wind Power and on …, 2008
Validation of Cable Modelling for HVDC Transient Analysis Simulation
R King, C Barker, A Tzimas, G Lucas, N Kirby
CIGRE Canada 2015, Winnipeg, 2015
Special considerations for AC collector systems and substations associated with HVDC connected wind power plants
P Sandeberg, P Moran, A Lomardi, A Hernandez, C Feltes, D Ramsay
CIGRE WG B3.36, 2015
HVDC stability control using wide area measurements for optimising transmission boundary transfer
R King, O Bagleybter, D Wilson, J Yuå
IET Digital Library, 2015
Overvoltages during energisation of an offshore wind farm
F Moore, R King, A Haddad
Proceedings 10th International Workshop on Large‐scale Integration of Wind …, 2011
Transient recovery voltages in offshore wind farms
R King, N Jenkins, L Yao, H Kang, JL Rasolonjanahary
Proceedings 9th International Workshop on Large‐scale Integration of Wind …, 2010
Assessing the ageing state of extruded HVDC cables with dielectric spectroscopy measurements
A Tzimas, R King, S Dodd, N Chalashkanov
2018 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Dielectrics (ICD), 1-4, 2018
Transient Overvoltages in the Collection Network of an Offshore Wind Farm
R King, IA Aristi, T Sørensen, N Jenkins
Ieee Transactions on Power Delivery, 2011
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Articles 1–16