Michael G. Raymer
Michael G. Raymer
Depart. of Physics and Oregon Center for Optical, Molecular and Quantum Science University of Oregon
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Measurement of the Wigner distribution and the density matrix of a light mode using optical homodyne tomography: Application to squeezed states and the vacuum
DT Smithey, M Beck, MG Raymer, A Faridani
Physical review letters 70 (9), 1244, 1993
Continuous-variable optical quantum-state tomography
AI Lvovsky, MG Raymer
Reviews of modern physics 81 (1), 299-332, 2009
Generation and photonic guidance of multi-octave optical-frequency combs
F Couny, F Benabid, PJ Roberts, PS Light, MG Raymer
Science 318 (5853), 1118-1121, 2007
Stimulated Raman scattering: unified treatment of spontaneous initiation and spatial propagation
MG Raymer, J Mostowski
Physical Review A 24 (4), 1980, 1981
Four-wave parametric interactions in a strongly driven two-level system
RW Boyd, MG Raymer, P Narum, DJ Harter
Physical Review A 24 (1), 411, 1981
Complex wave-field reconstruction using phase-space tomography
MG Raymer, M Beck, D McAlister
Physical review letters 72 (8), 1137, 1994
Photon temporal modes: a complete framework for quantum information science
B Brecht, DV Reddy, C Silberhorn, MG Raymer
Physical Review X 5 (4), 041017, 2015
Development of quantum interconnects (quics) for next-generation information technologies
D Awschalom, KK Berggren, H Bernien, S Bhave, LD Carr, P Davids, ...
Prx Quantum 2 (1), 017002, 2021
Generation of pure-state single-photon wavepackets by conditional preparation based on spontaneous parametric downconversion
AB U'Ren, C Silberhorn, R Erdmann, K Banaszek, WP Grice, IA Walmsley, ...
arXiv preprint quant-ph/0611019, 2006
Collisional redistribution and saturation of near-resonance scattered light
JL Carlsten, A Szöke, MG Raymer
Physical Review A 15 (3), 1029, 1977
Quantum frequency translation of single-photon states in a photonic crystal fiber
HJ McGuinness, MG Raymer, CJ McKinstrie, S Radic
Physical review letters 105 (9), 093604, 2010
Photon pair-state preparation with tailored spectral properties by spontaneous four-wave mixing in photonic-crystal fiber
K Garay-Palmett, HJ McGuinness, O Cohen, JS Lundeen, R Rangel-Rojo, ...
Optics express 15 (22), 14870-14886, 2007
Photon wave functions, wave-packet quantization of light, and coherence theory
BJ Smith, MG Raymer
New Journal of Physics 9 (11), 414, 2007
Mapping broadband single-photon wave packets into an atomic memory
J Nunn, IA Walmsley, MG Raymer, K Surmacz, FC Waldermann, Z Wang, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (1), 011401, 2007
Steady-state quantum interference in resonance fluorescence
DA Cardimona, MG Raymer, CR Stroud Jr
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 15 (1), 55, 1982
Photon-number statistics from the phase-averaged quadrature-field distribution: Theory and ultrafast measurement
M Munroe, D Boggavarapu, ME Anderson, MG Raymer
Physical Review A 52 (2), R924, 1995
Quantum theory of spatial and temporal coherence properties of stimulated Raman scattering
MG Raymer, IA Walmsley, J Mostowski, B Sobolewska
Physical Review A 32 (1), 332, 1985
Translation of quantum states by four-wave mixing in fibers
CJ McKinstrie, JD Harvey, S Radic, MG Raymer
Optics express 13 (22), 9131-9142, 2005
Sampling of photon statistics and density matrix using homodyne detection
U Leonhardt, M Munroe, T Kiss, T Richter, MG Raymer
Optics Communications 127 (1-3), 144-160, 1996
Measurement of number-phase uncertainty relations of optical fields
DT Smithey, M Beck, J Cooper, MG Raymer
Physical Review A 48 (4), 3159, 1993
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Articles 1–20