Petar Trslic
Petar Trslic
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Vision based autonomous docking for work class ROVs
P Trslic, M Rossi, L Robinson, CW O’Donnel, A Weir, J Coleman, ...
Ocean Engineering 196, 106840, 2020
Real-time underwater stereofusion
M Rossi, P Trslić, S Sivčev, J Riordan, D Toal, G Dooly
Sensors 18 (11), 3936, 2018
Long term, inspection class ROV deployment approach for remote monitoring and inspection
P Trslić, M Rossi, S Sivčev, G Dooly, J Coleman, E Omerdić, D Toal
OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, 1-6, 2018
Vision-based localization system suited to resident underwater vehicles
P Trslić, A Weir, J Riordan, E Omerdic, D Toal, G Dooly
Sensors 20 (2), 529, 2020
Neuro-fuzzy dynamic position prediction for autonomous work-class ROV docking
P Trslić, E Omerdic, G Dooly, D Toal
Sensors 20 (3), 693, 2020
Cooperative Unmanned Aerial and Surface Vehicles for Extended Coverage in Maritime Environments
MC Santos, B Bartlett, VE Schneider, FÓ Brádaigh, B Blanck, PC Santos, ...
IEEE Access, 2024
Ball and Beam Balancing Mechanism Actuated With Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
Ž Šitum, P Trslić
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 10 (5), 2018
Pneumatic muscle actuators within robotic and mechatronic systems
Ž Šitum, P Trslić, D Trivić, V Štahan, H Brezak, D Sremić
Proceedings of International Conference Fluid Power, Fluidna tehnika 2015 …, 2015
Fully automatic visual servoing control for underwater vehicle manipulator systems based on a heuristic inverse kinematics
PC Santos, RCS Freire, EAN Carvalho, L Molina, EO Freire, MC Santos, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 107 (3), 42, 2023
Geometric insight into the control allocation problem for open-frame rovs and visualisation of solution
E Omerdic, P Trslic, A Kaknjo, A Weir, M Rao, G Dooly, D Toal
Robotics 9 (1), 7, 2020
Autonomous tracking system of a moving target for underwater operations of work-class rovs
P Santos, M Santos, P Trslic, E Omerdic, D Toal, G Dooly
OCEANS 2021: San Diego–Porto, 1-6, 2021
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy network enhanced automatic visual servoing algorithm for rov manipulators
S Sivcev, P Trslic, D Adley, L Robinson, G Dooly, E Omerdic, D Toal
LGVINS: LiDAR-GPS-Visual and Inertial System Based Multi-Sensor Fusion for Smooth and Reliable UAV State Estimation
M Irfan, S Dalai, P Trslic, MC Santos, J Riordan, G Dooly
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024
Developments in Underwater Robot Capabilities for Offshore Wind
P Santos, M Santos, P Trslic, A Weir, G Dooly, E Omerdic, D Toal
OCEANS 2023-Limerick, 1-5, 2023
Intelligent detection and filtering of swarm noise from drone acquired LiDAR data using PointPillars
A Dow, M Manduhu, G Dooly, P Trslić, B Blanck, C Knox, J Riordan
OCEANS 2023-Limerick, 1-6, 2023
Automated close-quarter, high-resolution inspection and 3D reconstruction of unknown infrastructure
B Bartlett, P Trslic, M Santos, M Manduhu, J Riordan, G Dooly
OCEANS 2023-Limerick, 1-6, 2023
Ship anti-grounding with a maritime autonomous surface ship and digital twin of Port of Hamburg
J Riordan, M Constapel, P Trslic, G Dooly, J Oeffner, V Schneider
OCEANS 2023-Limerick, 1-8, 2023
CDDQN based efficient path planning for Aerial surveillance in high wind scenarios
S Dalai, E O’Connell, T Newe, P Trslic, M Manduhu, M Irfan, J Riordan, ...
OCEANS 2023-Limerick, 1-7, 2023
Voxel Map Based Collision Detection for Underwater Manipulators
M Rossi, S Sivčev, P Trslić, G Dooly, E Omerdić, D Toal
OCEANS 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston, 1-6, 2018
LSAF-LSTM based self adaptive multi-sensor fusion for robust UAV state estimation in challenging environments
M Irfan, S Dalai, P Trslic, J Riordan, G Dooly
Machines, 2025
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Articles 1–20