Baptiste J. Frei
Baptiste J. Frei
Postdoctoral research, IPP Garching
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Cited by
Simulation of plasma turbulence in the periphery of diverted tokamak by using the GBS code
P Paruta, P Ricci, F Riva, C Wersal, C Beadle, B Frei
Physics of Plasmas 25 (11), 112301, 2018
A gyrokinetic model for the plasma periphery of tokamak devices
BJ Frei, R Jorge, P Ricci
Journal of Plasma Physics 86 (2), 905860205, 2020
Nonlinear gyrokinetic Coulomb collision operator
R Jorge, BJ Frei, P Ricci
Journal of Plasma Physics 85 (6), 905850604, 2019
Development of advanced linearized gyrokinetic collision operators using a moment approach
BJ Frei, J Ball, ACD Hoffmann, R Jorge, P Ricci, L Stenger
Journal of Plasma Physics 87 (5), 2021
Local gyrokinetic collisional theory of the ion-temperature gradient mode
BJ Frei, ACD Hoffmann, P Ricci
Journal of Plasma Physics 88 (3), 905880304, 2022
Moment-Based Approach to the Flux-Tube linear Gyrokinetic Model
BJ Frei, ACD Hoffmann, P Ricci, S Brunner, Z Tecchiolli
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.05799, 2022
Numerical implementation of the improved Sugama collision operator using a moment approach
BJ Frei, S Ernst, P Ricci
Physics of Plasmas 29 (9), 093902, 2022
Gyrokinetic simulations of plasma turbulence in a Z-pinch using a moment based approach and advanced collision operators
ACD Hoffmann, BJ Frei, P Ricci
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.01346, 2022
The impact of the Boussinesq approximation on plasma turbulence in the scrape-off layer
J Morales, BJ Frei, F Halpern, F Musil, P Paruta, P Ricci, F Riva, M Siffert, ...
43rd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, 2016
Gyrokinetic simulations of plasma turbulence in a Z-pinch configuration using a moment approach and advanced collision operators
ACD Hoffmann, BJ Frei, P Ricci
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.01346, 2022
A Gyrokinetic moment-based method to model the plasma boundary of fusion devices at arbitrary collisionality
B Frei, A Hoffmann, P Ricci
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2022
A Gyrokinetic Moment-Based Approach for the Simulation of the Boundary Plasmas in Fusion Devices
BJ Frei, P Ricci, JR Ball, ACD Hoffmann, LN Stenger
PASC, 2021
A gyrokinetic model for the plasma periphery of fusion devices
BJ Frei, R Jorge, P Ricci
18th European Fusion Theory Conference-EFTC 2019, 2019
A Moment‐Based Kinetic Model for Efficient Numerical Implementation
R Jorge, B Frei, P Ricci
PASC19-The 6th Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, 2019
An efficient treatment of the full Coulomb collision operator with applications
R Jorge, P Ricci, B Frei, N Loureiro
61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, 2019
A Gyrokinetic Model for the Tokamak Periphery
J Rogério, BJ Frei, P Ricci, NF Loureiro, A Baillod, S Gamba, L Perrone, ...
60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, 2018
A gyrokinetic model for the tokamak periphery
R Jorge, B Frei, P Ricci, N Loureiro, S Gamba, L Perrone, K Vyacheslav
APS Division of Plasma Physics Meeting Abstracts 2018, CP11. 087, 2018
Implementation of Diverted Equilibria in the GBS simulation code
P Paruta, C Beadle, B Frei, F Riva, C Wersal
pet16: 16th International Workshop in Plasma Edge Theory in Fusion Devices, 2017
Advancing SOL simulations: avoiding the Boussinesq approximation and coupling closed and open magnetic flux surfaces
JA Morales Mena, BJ Frei, F Halpern, F Musil, P Paruta, P Ricci, F Riva, ...
21st Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting, Leysin, Switzerland, 5-8 …, 2016
Implementation of diverted configurations in the GBS plama turbulent simulation code and study of the X-point effect on blobs dynamics
P Paruta, P Ricci, F Riva, C Wersal, C Beadle, B Frei
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Articles 1–20