Emily Lena Tran
Emily Lena Tran
Shamir Research Institute
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Cited by
Uranium and Cesium sorption to bentonite colloids under carbonate-rich environments: Implications for radionuclide transport
EL Tran, N Teutsch, O Klein-BenDavid, N Weisbrod
Science of the Total Environment 643, 260-269, 2018
Colloid-facilitated transport of 238Pu, 233U and 137Cs through fractured chalk: laboratory experiments, modelling, and implications for nuclear waste disposal
E Tran, M Zavrin, AB Kersting, O Klein-BenDavid, N Teutsch, N Weisbrod
Science of The Total Environment 757, 143818, 2021
Influence of heteroaggregation processes between intrinsic colloids and carrier colloids on cerium (III) mobility through fractured carbonate rocks
E Tran, OK Ben-David, N Teutch, N Weisbrod
Water research 100, 88-97, 2016
Influence of intrinsic colloid formation on migration of cerium through fractured carbonate rock
EL Tran, O Klein-BenDavid, N Teutsch, N Weisbrod
Environmental Science & Technology 49 (22), 13275-13282, 2015
Radionuclide transport in brackish water through chalk fractures
EL Tran, N Teutsch, O Klein-BenDavid, AB Kersting, M Zavrin, ...
Water research 163, 114886, 2019
Mobility of radionuclides in fractured carbonate rocks: Lessons from a field-scale transport experiment
EL Tran, P Reimus, O Klein-BenDavid, N Teutsch, M Zavarin, AB Kersting, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (18), 11249-11257, 2020
KLEIN BEN-DAVID O, TEUTCH N, et al. Influence of heteroaggregation processes between intrinsic colloids and carrier colloids on cerium (III) mobility through fractured …
E Tran
Water Research 100, 88-97, 2016
Colloid and Colloid-Facilitated Transport in Fractured Chalk
E Tran, N Weisbrod
The Many Facets of Israel's Hydrogeology, 469-472, 2020
Radionuclide transport in fractured chalk under abrupt changes in salinity
T Turkeltaub, N Weisbrod, M Zavarin, E Chang, AB Kersting, N Teutsch, ...
Science of the Total Environment 912, 168636, 2024
Use of metal-tagged environmentally representative micro-and nanoplastic particles to investigate transport and retention through porous media using single particle ICP-MS
EL Tran, S Bevers, C Smith, S Brown, N Malone, DH Fairbrother, ...
Microplastics and Nanoplastics 4 (1), 10, 2024
Radionuclide transport through fractured chalk under abrupt variations in ionic strength
S Roded, O Klein-BenDavid, T Turkeltaub, EL Tran, Y Geller, Y Gerara, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-6305, 2022
NNSA-IAEC Science Area V Environmental ISR: Waste Management and Subsurface Science (Final Report FY18-FY20)
AB Kersting, M Zavarin, G Deblonde, P Reimus, E Tran, N Weisbrod, ...
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2020
Are fractured carbonate rocks an appropriate geological medium for nuclear waste disposal? Lessons from a field-scale transport experiment
EL Tran, PW Reimus, O Klein-BenDavid, N Teutsch, AB Kersting, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, H41H-1761, 2019
Conducting a field-scale reactive transport experiment: logistics and lessons learned.
N Weisbrod, N Teutsch, O Klein-BenDavid, A Kersting, M Zavarin, E Tran
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Reactive transport of radionuclides in fractured chalk aquifers: Implications for nuclear repository planning.
E Tran, N Teutsch, O Klein-BenDavid, A Kersting, M Zavarin, N Weisbrod
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Colloid and colloid-facilitated transport in fractured rocks
N Weisbrod, E Tran, M Cohen, O Zvikelsky, X Tang
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2224, 2018
Uranium and Cesium sorption to bentonite colloids in high salinity and carbonate-rich environments: Implications for radionuclide transport
EL Tran, N Teutsch, O Klein-BenDavid, N Weisbrod
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, H21P-01, 2017
Intrinsic and carrier colloid-facilitated transport of lanthanides through discrete fractures in chalk
E Tran, O Klein-BenDavid, N Teutch, N Weisbrod
Intrinsic and Carrier Colloid-facilitated transport of lanthanides through discrete fractures in chalk
N Weisbrod, EL Tran, O Klein-BenDavid, N Teutsch
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2015, H21G-1463, 2015
Colloid facilitated transport of lanthanides through discrete fractures in chalk
E Tran, O Klein Ben-David, N Teutsch, N Weisbrod
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2931, 2015
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Articles 1–20