Arbaz khan
Arbaz khan
Professor (Assistant), Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR
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Cited by
Importance of molecular heat convection in time resolved thermal lens study of highly absorbing samples
P Kumar, A Khan, D Goswami
Chemical Physics 441, 5-10, 2014
Arnold--Winther mixed finite elements for Stokes eigenvalue problems
J Gedicke, A Khan
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (5), A3449-A3469, 2018
On the generalized Burgers-Huxley equation: Existence, uniqueness, regularity, global attractors and numerical studies
MT Mohan, A Khan
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B 26 (7), 3943-3988, 2021
Spectral element method for parabolic interface problems
A Khan, CS Upadhyay, M Gerritsma
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 337, 66-94, 2018
Robust a posteriori error estimators for mixed approximation of nearly incompressible elasticity
A Khan, CE Powell, DJ Silvester
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 119 (1), 18-37, 2019
Divergence-conforming discontinuous Galerkin finite elements for Stokes eigenvalue problems
J Gedicke, A Khan
Numerische Mathematik 144, 585-614, 2020
Robust preconditioning for stochastic Galerkin formulations of parameter-dependent nearly incompressible elasticity equations
A Khan, CE Powell, DJ Silvester
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (1), A402-A421, 2019
Spectral element method for three dimensional elliptic problems with smooth interfaces
A Khan, A Husain, S Mohapatra, CS Upadhyay
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 315, 522-549, 2017
Conforming, nonconforming and DG methods for the stationary generalized Burgers-Huxley equation
A Khan, MT Mohan, R Ruiz-Baier
Journal of Scientific Computing 88 (3), 52, 2021
Robust a posteriori error analysis for rotation-based formulations of the elasticity/poroelasticity coupling
V Anaya, A Khan, D Mora, R Ruiz-Baier
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 44 (4), B964-B995, 2022
Robust a posteriori error estimation for stochastic Galerkin formulations of parameter-dependent linear elasticity equations
A Khan, A Bespalov, CE Powell, DJ Silvester
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.07440, 2018
Exponentially accurate nonconforming least-squares spectral element method for elliptic problems on unbounded domain
A Khan, CS Upadhyay
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 305, 607-633, 2016
Nonconforming least-squares spectral element method for European options
A Khan, P Dutt, CS Upadhyay
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 70 (1), 47-65, 2015
A nonsymmetric approach and a quasi-optimal and robust discretization for the Biot’s model
A Khan, P Zanotti
Mathematics of Computation 91 (335), 1143-1170, 2022
Exponentially accurate spectral element method for fourth order elliptic problems
A Khan, A Husain
Journal of Scientific Computing 71, 303-328, 2017
Robust a posteriori error estimation for parameter-dependent linear elasticity equations
A Khan, A Bespalov, C Powell, D Silvester
Mathematics of Computation 90 (328), 613-636, 2021
Spectral element method for parabolic initial value problem with non-smooth data: analysis and application
A Khan, P Dutt, CS Upadhyay
Journal of Scientific Computing 73, 876-905, 2017
Robust a posteriori error estimation for mixed finite element approximation of linear poroelasticity
A Khan, DJ Silvester
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 41 (3), 2000-2025, 2021
Parameter-robust stochastic Galerkin approxination for linear poroelasticity with uncertain inputs
A Khan, CE Powell
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SISC) 43 (4), 2021
A robust a posteriori error estimator for divergence-conforming discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Oseen equation
A Khan, G Kanschat
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 58 (1), 492-518, 2020
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Articles 1–20