Mohammad Nurul Hassan
Mohammad Nurul Hassan
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Cited by
A multi-dimensional framework for evaluating the transit service performance
MN Hassan, YE Hawas, K Ahmed
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 50, 47-61, 2013
Efficient content-based image retrieval using multiple support vector machines ensemble
E Yildizer, AM Balci, M Hassan, R Alhajj
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (3), 2385-2396, 2012
A multi-criteria approach of assessing public transport accessibility at a strategic level
YE Hawas, MN Hassan, A Abulibdeh
Journal of Transport Geography 57, 19-34, 2016
A holistic approach for assessing traffic safety in the United Arab Emirates
MN Hassan, YE Hawas, MA Maraqa
Accident Analysis & Prevention 45, 554-564, 2012
A two-stage recreational destination choice study incorporating fuzzy logic in discrete choice modelling
MN Hassan, A Najmi, TH Rashidi
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 67, 123-141, 2019
Consideration of different travel strategies and choice set sizes in transit path choice modelling
MN Hassan, TH Rashidi, N Nassir
Transportation 48 (2), 723-746, 2021
Role of physico-morphic characters imparting resistance in cotton against some insect pests
M Hassan, F Ahmed, F Mushtaq
Pak. Entomol 21 (12), 61-62, 1999
Modeling transit user stop choice behavior: Do travelers strategize?
MN Hassan, TH Rashidi, ST Waller, N Nassir, M Hickman
Journal of Public Transportation 19 (3), 98-116, 2016
Urbanization and CO2 emission in Bangladesh: The Application of STIRPAT model
M Hassan
A paper presented at the Insearch 2016, 3rd, 2016
A methodology for rearranging transit stops for enhancing transit users generalized travel time
MN Hassan, YE Hawas
Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (English edition) 4 (1), 14-30, 2017
Simplified access to structured databases by adapting keyword search and database selection
M Hassan, R Alhajj, MJ Ridley, K Barker
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 674-678, 2004
Accounting measurements and disclosure: Choices and implications from Egypt and the UAE
A Mubarak, M Hassan
International Journal of Accounting 6 (9), 1-16, 2006
Screening for arboviruses in healthy blood donors: Experience from Karachi, Pakistan
MA Khan, K Imtiaz, H Shafaq, J Farooqi, M Hassan, A Zafar, MT Long, ...
Virologica Sinica 37 (5), 774, 2022
Is Sydney a 30-minute city? Big data analytics assisting to bring political rhetoric into practice
S Leao, M Hassan, T Rashidi, C Pettit
Big Data Applications in Geography and Planning, 169-188, 2021
Exploring the Nexus between Knowledge Economy and Green Economy
M Hassan
Available at SSRN 3574409, 2020
Recreational Destination Choice Modeling Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Discrete Choice Modeling
MN Hassan, A Najmi, TH Rashidi
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2017
Compressed air leakage detection and quantification through infrared thermography
M Hassan, A Ebrahimi, HW Jeon, C Wang
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 299-304, 2020
The impact of Corporate Social responsibility on profit and deposit: A study on commercial banks of Bangladesh
M Hassan, SM Siddiqi
International Journal of Novel Research in Marketing Management and …, 2016
Database selection and keyword search of structured databases: powerful search for naive users
M Hassan, R Alhajj, MJ Ridley, K Barker
Proceedings Fifth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications …, 2003
Forest conservation management based on fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making method
M Tasse, HK Deliri, SB Khafaki, L Naderloo, M Hassan, S Ravesh
Forestist 70, 122-132, 2020
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Articles 1–20